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I thought I had overcome my phobia but as our lips gently touched for the second time I realized it was something I could never conquer on my own.
As these thoughts were racing through my mind, Markie looked at me with his dreamy melting eyes and said: "I want to ask you something very important, something I've had on my mind ever since I saw you again......... will you........that is..............
would you............split a double bacon cheeseburger with me?"
Maybe, kissing wasn't so important anyways...maybe we could show our love
by sharing beef patties!
PG also known as Patrick Goodyard was slowly pushing his lawn mower around his yard and Suzi was trying to get his attention as he was about to run over his mothers prize rose bush.
Sadly, when it hit PG in the head he let go of the mower and it continued to roll...right over the roses and the daisy bush..
Rose petals were flying every where and as they gently landed on the nicely manicured lawn, it was then that Markie said, "Hey we might as well put those rose petals to good use and get hitched."
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All of a sudden Col. Bellows appeared and he informed them that Major's Nelson and Healy had to fly out on a top secret mission that was very dangerous, but fear not that spunky Blanche Devereaux was along for the ride to take care of them.
Well, Jeannie had other ideas because the next thing you know she crossed her arms, nodded her head, and blinked Major's Nelson, Healy & Markie to the National Chili Cookoff in Texas where they were all suddenly sitting as judges.

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