Dinner Thursday, November 10, 2022

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Another real meal tonight. I'm trying desperately to cook down the contents of our freezer compartment. The plan was for an easy meal of sauerkraut and pork roast in the slow cooker, along with mashed potatoes and pickled beets. Kinda hard to make with just 1/3 of a jar of kraut. :( I sliced the roast into chops and fixed them with apples and shallots. Sides were buttered Amish noodles with porch parsley (it's still growing) and peas.

Did anyone else eat today?

I didn't know why I ran out of sIpoons after prepping an onion to chop. But, I sat down for a few minutes and realized I wasn't going to be capable of making supper. So, we ordered out. DH had tortellini with extra sausage AND au gratin. We shared a small Caesar salad and I had clams in wine sauce with linguine. It's the first time we have had a delivery from this resto, but we have eaten there quite a few times and the food has always been good. The Caesar salad was excellent and the dressing did not taste like it came from a bottle. DH enjoyed his supper, but my clams smelled of harbour. They should smell of the ocean. I did not enjoy them and only ate about a quarter of it. I think it was just me being extra sensitive. I think it was the because of the migraine that started towards the end of supper. No terrible headache, but I did have other symptoms like the pretty colours of the scintillating scotoma AKA visual aura.
I finished up my pot of Mac & Cheese, cut up a hot dog to put in it, and had some peas on the side. .5 Costco blueberry muffin for dessert.
Left over Chicken Thighs, Sweet Potatoes and the Green Beans, still delish, skin was not crispy anymore, of course.
It was DH's birthday, but he pulled his back earlier in the week and has been quite miserable. I finally emailed his doctor, myownself. Signed his name (shhhhh). Anyway, I didn't want to make a big meal that he wouldn't be able to enjoy much anyway...so we finished up the meatloaf leftovers. Had that with mashed taters & gravy and some green beans too. A slice of BD cake for dessert and early to bed.
Ginny, my sympathy to both your husband and you! I pulled back muscle is so darn debilitating. Have you tried Icy Hot creme? It helps my husband when he damages his back.
We had sauteed chicken breast, roasted cauliflower and carrots, and crescent rolls. Not exactly warm weather food, but I'm getting tired of salads. Cold front is to arrive today, so it's a soup day, yay!
Ginny, my sympathy to both your husband and you! I pulled back muscle is so darn debilitating. Have you tried Icy Hot creme? It helps my husband when he damages his back.
We had sauteed chicken breast, roasted cauliflower and carrots, and crescent rolls. Not exactly warm weather food, but I'm getting tired of salads. Cold front is to arrive today, so it's a soup day, yay!
Yes, we've been trying various things since Monday when he did it. I even went to the local CBD place and got some lotion from them. It helped, but not enough. This has lasted too long, so I asked for help from the doctor. She did send an RX to the local Walmart (instead of VA that sends by USPS). So I picked that up yesterday afternoon. DH isn't up yet, so don't know if there's improvement?

Your dinner sounds wonderful. We're getting to freezing temps at night now! Off to turn off MIL's outside water later this morning!
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