Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

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Not reading, yet but hit the motherlode at Hastings last night. Purchased: Winter Fire, by Preston & Child; King and Maxwell, by Baldacci and To Live and Let Drood , by Green.
I thought I had posted that I read Stephen King's (sequel to The Shining) Doctor Sleep. Was great!
Elmore Leonard's books are some of the absolutely pleasure-reading best I've ever read. I hope you enjoy his wit as much as I did. Maybe it's time for me to reread them.

Do you have a favorite title? I'd like to check at my library. Thanks.
Got two going right now. The first is "Imperfect Harmony" by Stacy Horn. It's about her experiences in a volunteer community choir in NYC and how it has affected her life. There's a lot of research in there too on how singing affects our bodies and emotions. Interesting stuff to this fellow community choir member. The other is "The Countertenor wore Garlic" by Mark Schweizer about a small Appalachian town in NC and the quirky townspeople. There is usually a murder but it's light reading.
Right now I'm working on my Sunday School lesson, so I'm reading the Bible. I took a break from it to come here.

Otherwise, I'm reading Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Don't ask.

With love,
My Father read it when he was a young man (he was never in anyway a fan of Hitler, he just thought he ought to know what it was all about). I was going to read it when in my teens but the librarian said it was unsuitable reading for a schoolgirl and wouldn't let me take it out. I've never had the time or the inclination since.

I'm currently working my way through the "Tales of the City" series and waiting for volume 4 to arrive. And I'm looking forward to the latest in the "No 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series. Nothing on the go at the moment as I'm busily knitting for Christmas and I haven't quite cracked how to read and knit at the same time. I'm afraid the requests for hand-knitted socks won't be fulfilled this year but I bought some rather beautiful handmade shawl pins at a craft fair earlier in the year so I'm knitting some silky smooth knobbly yarn into scarves to go with them as gifts for female relatives.
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Right now I'm working on my Sunday School lesson, so I'm reading the Bible. I took a break from it to come here.

Otherwise, I'm reading Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Don't ask.

With love,

I would be interested on your thoughts after you read Mein Kampf. I wrote a thesis on it when I was writing my officers exams in the RCAF. It was forbidden reading when I was growing up.
It's till forbidden here in G... and even if not, I'm not sure it's the kind of book I want to read.. :sick:

Just reading through the trilogy of four again... Got the Hitchhiker out of the shelf again after 20 years :cool:

and also Laini Taylors Days of Blood and Starlight as an Audiobook on the MacBook.
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I just found the second of three books by Iris Johansen about Eve Duncan. The first was Taking Eve, this one is Hunting Eve, which picks up where the first book left off. I'm already engrossed in the story and hope the last one of this series comes out as quickly as this one did.

Off to be engrossed (again).
I have been reading "How to be a Frugalista". It is really a good read with a lot of good tips. I have been trying to put it into practice.
I am reading a cooking book titled "If You Must Cook" by Jennette Lee, it was published in 1926.

Ms. Lee started cooking when she was in her 50's because she could not find competent household help. The book gives a wonderful glimpse of daily life at a time when people were just beginning to use refrigeration. She explains how she composes her menus using leftovers from previous meals so that the majority of cooked foods can be used within 24 hours. Also some interesting tips on preventing spoilage of other foods. Many great tips and recipes for setting a good table without great expense.
I am reading a cooking book titled "If You Must Cook" by Jennette Lee, it was published in 1926.

Ms. Lee started cooking when she was in her 50's because she could not find competent household help. The book gives a wonderful glimpse of daily life at a time when people were just beginning to use refrigeration. She explains how she composes her menus using leftovers from previous meals so that the majority of cooked foods can be used within 24 hours. Also some interesting tips on preventing spoilage of other foods. Many great tips and recipes for setting a good table without great expense.

Since the chances of our ever finding a copy to read ourselves, and if the thread-master doesn't nix it for digressing from the thread topic, would you mind sharing some of the interesting tips/recipes here? Sounds fascinating.
TinLizzie----- I just saw your post asking for my favorite Elmore Leonard book--- sorry.

I'm truly at a loss to recommend any one book-----Get Shorty is one I remember--- but I've read most of them long ago. I'd say pick one like Get Shorty and see if you like it--- then move on. Wiki has a list, in case you didn't know.
Finished reading book 4 in the "Wine Lovers Mystery" series Monday...at 5:45AM! :ohmy: I have two more to read, but all three books will be dropped off at the library later this week. I'll put the titles of the unread books in my futures folder on the library website, then request them again when we are headed back from spending Christmas with our kids. Christmas with our kids! :w00t: Can't wait! :w00t2:
I'm currently reading James W. Hall's Buzz Cut. I have a writing class with him in January at the Key West Literary Seminar and am currently trying to prepare for it.
Finished Buzz Cut. Now I'm reading Darkness My Old Friend by Lisa Unger. She'll be at the Literary Seminar too, so I'm trying to get a feel for her style.
I just started "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire." After seeing the movie at a girls' night out a couple weeks ago, a friend loaned me the trilogy. I already read the first one.
I read the Hunger Games trilogy when it first out (on my Kindle) and loved them. Maybe it's time to re-read them. :)
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