Petty Vents

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Isn't that the truth! I don't think I'll ever find a man who doesn't want to stomp out "my light". Isn't it that is what attracts a man in the first place, what makes you, you.... I sware I attract jealous people like crazy. I hate jealousy. I don't get jealous. But in all honesty I do what I want and he can say whatever he wants!
What attracts a man to you isn't necessarily in your best interest ;) What attracts you to men who tend to be jealous?

I had a boyfriend once who was frequently jealous. I thought it was flattering at first, but then I realized it was more controlling. Left him far behind. My husband of 33 years is loving and protective, but not jealous and limiting.
Well, that is good news. If and when FO ever reach us, I still don't know enough about it to really want it. I just resent that Mennino took that option away from us without any input from the citizens. Just like he did with RCN.
If it comes to your building, you don't get a choice. It will be connected to the existing cable system.
Addie, there is no difference for the individual for fiber optics vs. traditional cable. Picture quality is no different, internet speed is no different. The benefit of a new service is that they offer great prices to suck you in so you can save some money.
Fiber optics (transmission of computer signals via light energy, i.e., at the speed of light) actually has a much higher capacity than copper cable. So the company can offer higher download speeds, which can be especially important to carriers that sell bandwidth to large institutions. And it can increase speeds in areas that are less concentrated than large metropolitan areas like Boston.
Isn't that the truth! I don't think I'll ever find a man who doesn't want to stomp out "my light". Isn't it that is what attracts a man in the first place, what makes you, you.... I sware I attract jealous people like crazy. I hate jealousy. I don't get jealous. But in all honesty I do what I want and he can say whatever he wants!

Be yourself.
What attracts a man to you isn't necessarily in your best interest ;) What attracts you to men who tend to be jealous?

I had a boyfriend once who was frequently jealous. I thought it was flattering at first, but then I realized it was more controlling. Left him far behind. My husband of 33 years is loving and protective, but not jealous and limiting.

My ex used to provoke me, used to make me jealous. Thank G-d she is ex. My wife of 25 + 2(shh don't tell anybody, we lived in sin for 2 years). Doesn't provoke jealousy. Only love.
Fiber optics (transmission of computer signals via light energy, i.e., at the speed of light) actually has a much higher capacity than copper cable. So the company can offer higher download speeds, which can be especially important to carriers that sell bandwidth to large institutions. And it can increase speeds in areas that are less concentrated than large metropolitan areas like Boston.

While this is technically true, speeds available to you are more governed by what you are willing to spend as Internet/tv providers charge more for higher speeds because they can.

I have twice the speed from Comcast that I had from Verizon simply because Comcast offered it at no extra cost. I had adequate speed either way.
Merlot, my husband married me because I am what is say on the tin, he loved me for me, not what he can change or mold. He wants me 100%.
Hence I have him and Mr Right, because my light is love and oh I can dye my hair what ever colour. Last night he was saying I should try Fenix hair... yeah except my hair would die from it.

And it isnt what you attract, actually it what you look for and something in the jealous people is what attract you. I took a long thought about it and realized my ex husband and my then current boyfriend had the same things and I didnt like that so I looked for the opposite and found my husband.

What is Fenix hair?
Well, all the recent talk about what's an "appropriate look" this rebel old lady had a change made at the hairdresser today! :cool:;):punk:


Still catching up after being on vacation...
That little sweep of pink looks great, Kay! I love it! :heart:
I think you all have a point. All of my boyfriends and ex husband were jealous, so it must be me! :wacko:
Honestly the fiancé I have now is so good to me and he would never tell me not to get pink or blue in my hair, he just probably wouldn't find it super attractive :LOL: when I go to the hairdresser I always tell him ( my stylist) to do what he wants. So he's taking me lighter for now. The fiancé loves my hair dark but he never complains! He's also more protective than anything. Our town is one big drug hole now. You can't even go to the store without watching your purse. We had a bunch of women robbed recently at 4 different stores. You can't keep anything in the back of your truck (someone just stole a generator out of one). So the fiancé offers to go with me or take my gun (he bought me one)! I miss the days where you could leave everything unlocked.
While this is technically true, speeds available to you are more governed by what you are willing to spend as Internet/tv providers charge more for higher speeds because they can.

I have twice the speed from Comcast that I had from Verizon simply because Comcast offered it at no extra cost. I had adequate speed either way.
You said:

Addie, there is no difference for the individual for fiber optics vs. traditional cable. Picture quality is no different, internet speed is no different. The benefit of a new service is that they offer great prices to suck you in so you can save some money.

But as I said, you can get a higher speed. Of course you'll often pay extra for it, but that's a choice that consumers didn't have before. Whether it's adequate depends on your needs. People who do a lot of internet gaming, or who move large files (video or high-resolution photography) need higher bandwidth to display and upload/download high-resolution graphics. You don't have that need, but others do.

Fiber optic is also less likely to produce "noise," doesn't corrode like copper cable can, and doesn't attenuate with distance, causing distorted video and sound.
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My cable bill just went up $10. Blech!

Had the worst 4th ever. There were no VFW fireworks this year and I missed the fireworks off the bridge last Monday. No problem, thinks I, I'll go sit on top of the cemetery and watch everyone's fireworks from there. The cemetery is on a hill and you can see the fireworks for miles. I've been doing this for 10 years.

Last night Deputy Dog in his Security truck ran everyone off. He said no one was allowed in the cemetery after dark, but there's no signage or anything of that matter. So my guess is they just don't want people up there on July 4th. I was going to ask him how he intended to eject the ghosts, but I was too upset. Besides, he was one of those who was all full of himself and I didn't want any trouble.

So I went to visit friends and got home about 11. Forgot my regular glasses in my car and went back down to get them. I was holding my keys in my hand and when the elevator door opened, I dropped the keys. And they slithered right down the crack between the elevator and the floor.

I still needed my glasses, so I got management to let me into my room and I got a spare car key so I could still retrieve my regular glasses (leaving the door ajar with a box). Problem is, when I went downstairs, I forgot to leave the entry door ajar (we need a chip to get that door open and it was on my key ring). So now I'm locked out of the building at midnight and not able to get to the phone. Fortunately, someone was arriving home at that point and they let me in.

The only good piece of news was I had a spare car key which I had made in case I ever locked my keys in my car. I didn't have it programed for the chip, so it wasn't supposed to be able to start my car. But for kicks and giggles, I tried it anyway. It started my car. At least I know I can start my car up now if I lose my keys.

What a night. I need a vacation from myself.

Best news is Jim, our maintenance guy, was able to retrieve my keys. Note to self: HANG ON TO KEYS AROUND ELEVATORS!
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You gotta be kidding me! What if I had dropped them hanging on that? I would have had to have stood there all night to keep the elevator doors from closing or I would have been very short of breath. :LOL:
We got home from vacation and my truck was acting up the whole way home. I was bund and determined to get home and not have a repair bill on the road. I had to stop several times a day and unhook the batteries to get it out of limp mode. We got home and I ran the codes. I need a new turbo. So I figure I just as well delete all the emissions and straight pipe the exaust. Let the girl breathe. Get better milage and more power. So I Called a couple shops and visited the dealer. The first shop quoted me $6500. The second shop quoted me $4500. They said everything the first shop said they would do was not necessary. The dealee said to keep it factory would be all of $4000 and then some. And that dont even include the glow plugs that are bad. I forgot to mention that to the dealer. So no matter what I'm about to drop some serious cash.
We got home from vacation and my truck was acting up the whole way home. I was bund and determined to get home and not have a repair bill on the road. I had to stop several times a day and unhook the batteries to get it out of limp mode. We got home and I ran the codes. I need a new turbo. So I figure I just as well delete all the emissions and straight pipe the exaust. Let the girl breathe. Get better milage and more power. So I Called a couple shops and visited the dealer. The first shop quoted me $6500. The second shop quoted me $4500. They said everything the first shop said they would do was not necessary. The dealee said to keep it factory would be all of $4000 and then some. And that dont even include the glow plugs that are bad. I forgot to mention that to the dealer. So no matter what I'm about to drop some serious cash.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! It really is terrible when you have to drop cash for unexpected things!
Petty Vent for the day is dieting and eating out. We went out to stop by Rural King and we had a choice between Cracker Barrel, Wendy/s, McDonalds.... so not much of a choice. We chose Cracker Barrel.... because I am trying to eat healthier with the gallbladder removal I had baked chicken, a salad and a sweet potato. The chicken had way too much breading, was dry, the salad was really plain and the sweet potato had brown sugar on it, I neglected to tell them I like it with just butter salt and pepper. I left feeling very unsatisfied. Should I have just ordered something I know I would really like even though it would have been higher in calories? I hate eating out :/
Petty Vent for the day is dieting and eating out. We went out to stop by Rural King and we had a choice between Cracker Barrel, Wendy/s, McDonalds.... so not much of a choice. We chose Cracker Barrel.... because I am trying to eat healthier with the gallbladder removal I had baked chicken, a salad and a sweet potato. The chicken had way too much breading, was dry, the salad was really plain and the sweet potato had brown sugar on it, I neglected to tell them I like it with just butter salt and pepper. I left feeling very unsatisfied. Should I have just ordered something I know I would really like even though it would have been higher in calories? I hate eating out :/
We had HU-HOT for lunch. I gorged myself. I love it so much but I really need to avoid it. I'm not dieting but I am trying to be careful what I eat.
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