Pics of your own food

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I'm late to the party here, but are you all killin' me with these food photos! 17 year old granddaughter loves 'frickles'. Last time we went out to lunch together at a remote little place in the mountains, she ordered them. They were OK, but I think with your additions of ham and cheese they would be a lot better. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pic and recipe!
I'm late to the party here, but are you all killin' me with these food photos! 17 year old granddaughter loves 'frickles'. Last time we went out to lunch together at a remote little place in the mountains, she ordered them. They were OK, but I think with your additions of ham and cheese they would be a lot better. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pic and recipe!

You're very welcome and thank you for the compliment :)
Oxtail Stew over Buttered Noodles...

Oxtail Stew 1.jpg

Oxtail Stew 013.jpg

Oxtail Stew 017.jpg
I saw packages of oxtails just today. We have a small local market that has the best meats (as well as the best prices) and you can buy everything from pork, beef and chicken to chicken livers and gizzards, turkey backs (great for stock), oxtails, animal innards, pretty much whatever you can think of. If it comes from the pig, cow or bird, they sell whatever part from the animals they can, including the feet and the tongues.

It's funny, when I saw the oxtail packages, I thought of LT's stew. I should have bought some just to try it.
Wow, that's one pretty cake :in_love:

This is my Holiday Poke Cake. Not this year's, though, as I wasn't in a very festive mood, having lost my 'hubby' (although we weren't actually married, but may as well have been, being together since 1990) but I love making Poke Cake pretty much any time of the year. I love a cake made with jello and whipped cream. It's my favorite kind of cake in the world.


  • Christmas Poke Cake.jpg
    Christmas Poke Cake.jpg
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LT we need a recipe for that Oxtail Stew. Linda knows where to get them and I'm on the hunt. It's been years since I've had that delectable dish, made by my Dad.
Linda that cake looks delicious and I've always liked a Poke Cake too.

You're mirror cake is stunning Joey.
Osso bucco

Osso Bucco Braising.jpg

Served over Rice with a Twice-Baked Potato and Stuffed Mushrooms...

Yup! Spud AND Rice... don't remember why ...

Osso Bucco, Twice-Baked Russet, Stuffed 'Shrooms.jpg
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Yer killin me with that LT..!! Oh my gosh how I love Oxtail Stew and noodles. If you could find them they were so cheap in the old days, now they are still hard to find but big bucks. There's just something extra special about their flavor with all that bone and unmistakable oxtail broth! *thud*:yum:
There must be an Asian market somewhere near you. They usually have hard-to-find ingredients that are much less expensive than regular markets.
Asian markets are a good bet. I see some pretty weird stuff in those places.

I wonder if oxtail is a common food item with Asians, though. I've seen a lot of food shows in different parts of Asia (I'm a Bizarre Foods addict) and I don't recall Andrew having oxtail is Asia anywhere. I'm pretty sure he had it in Mexico, however. My point is I wonder if an Asian market would have them.

It's too bad I don't have the means to buy a few packages and ship them to you, Kay :LOL:

LT, more nice pictures. I'm very much enjoying this thread :yum:
Asian markets are a good bet. I see some pretty weird stuff in those places.

I wonder if oxtail is a common food item with Asians, though. I've seen a lot of food shows in different parts of Asia (I'm a Bizarre Foods addict) and I don't recall Andrew having oxtail is Asia anywhere. I'm pretty sure he had it in Mexico, however. My point is I wonder if an Asian market would have them.

It's too bad I don't have the means to buy a few packages and ship them to you, Kay [emoji38]

LT, more nice pictures. I'm very much enjoying this thread :yum:
The ones in my area do.
SC is going to check our Mexican market for oxtails. I bet they have them. There's no Asian markets within a reasonable distance and Amish markets are thousands of miles from California.

I have the recipe all printed out and ready to go LT, so I'm hoping for the best. Every cow has a tail. :LOL:
There must be an Asian market somewhere near you. They usually have hard-to-find ingredients that are much less expensive than regular markets.

My Asian market stocks them, but only the last ten or so inches of the tail... not enough meat for the buck... Amish Markets sell you the whole thing !

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