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Glad everyone's on the mend at your house, Munky. My daughter has 3 little ones under 5 and they've been passing the crud around for a couple of months now, too.

I'm taking a break from working in the yard - I just planted some spinach, carrot, and radish seeds. Several houseplants need repotting in bigger pots so that will be next.
I can't find the original post and reply.

Carol, I owe you a huge apology. I was thinking of Marshfield. :bash: Not Mashpee. You are so right. Mashpee is on the Cape. Down by Camp Edwards. I remember when the Wamponogs made a huge stink about owning most of the land on the Cape and brought sales of homes and land to a screeching halt on the Cape for more than a year. It took a war in the Federal Courts to settle the matter and they lost. Said there were not enough of them left to constitute a "Tribe." :angel:

So Sorry. :flowers:

I'm trying to shake off the fog I've been in since around 8:00 AM today. We are so very low on heating oil I was afraid we wouldn't make it through the weekend. The weather finally got warmish enough yesterday that I didn't feel guilty sending Himself out to snowblow a path from the street to our fill tap - it's straight uphill/downhill for about 80 feet, all icy grass and snow once he cut through the chest-high stuff. I've been holding out hoping we could wait until it got warmer, but then this winter is a colder than normal one. February alone has been about 7 degrees below the normal daily average and we're on track for the coldest February in records-keeping. brr....

Anyway, I suddenly woke at 8:00, decided to call right then to be sure we were scheduled for delivery tomorrow, and had such an entertaining conversation with the representative on the other end (OK, I was cracking jokes and he was laughing :LOL: ) that I was wide awake. Normally, I get up around 10. I tried for four hours to get those last two of sleep! :( Never really happened...

I can't find the original post and reply.

Carol, I owe you a huge apology. I was thinking of Marshfield...So Sorry. :flowers:

Addie, that's because your comments were directed at me, not Carol, and it was in the "Your favorite seasoning..." thread, not this one. And it wasn't that big of a deal. I know you don't drive, never have. AND when you don't drive, you have no real concept of time or distance when you're riding along enjoying the scenery or conversation. We had spent a week one May just a few years ago on Mashpee, so I knew exactly where it was before I looked at a map, but I still checked a map. I find "maps.google.com" to be extremely useful when I'm trying to find out where one of the many towns around here are because I just don't trust my memory. ;) Over the decades we've driven to FL countless times and I STILL have to visualize a map to the the states in just the right order! :LOL:
You are so right. I could travel all day and even nights as long as I am the passenger. I had about three driving lessons in my life. I was so nervous I decided that driving is not my thing. If I had learned as a kid, it might have been different. But cars were not found in every home when I was growing up.

I have crossed the country three times in a vehicle. Once was in a UHaul. Spike flew out to Washington State and drove me and my household stuff back to Massachusetts. Five times I have left this state and have always returned. I have to live within walking distance of the sea. I lived in Hawaii for one year. That was enough for me. Beautiful place and I might have stayed longer if it hadn't been for the fact that my second husband lived there. The only reason I went there was so that my son could see his father as he really was. An alcoholic. There is now have a Bench Warrant with my name on it. I was under a court order not to take my son off the island. So we left under assumed names.

But I do love to travel by car. Distance makes no matter. Tomorrow my daughter is picking me up around three o'clock to take me out for a late lunch. Somewhere local I hope. So much snow and there is no place to park. Right now I am living in a world of disaster. And more snow coming next week. I think the snow gods have come to hate us. I am surprised you don't have more than you do. Worcester County always get more than we do. You even get snow when we don't. Something is wrong here.

I remember as a kid when I lived on the Cape, hearing about the Womponog Indians living on the Cape also. My father is half, my grandfather Pottsie was full. So for months I lived in fear that they would come and make me and my sister along with my father to go live with them and live in teepees. I even had nightmares. I finally told my mother about my nightmares and it took her a while, but she got me calmed down. I saw too many Saturday matinees at the movies. There was always a western playing. :angel:
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Addie, Worcester airport has something like 110.0 inches of snow. We probably have a little more where we are - probably closer to 120 inches, or ten feet of snow. Plenty enough to go around! The only reason it came up only to Himself's armpits was because it has settled as the winter has gone on. And on. And ON...

I'm guessing the reason you didn't have cars in your neighborhood when you were a kid was because you lived more in the city and had public transportation. If she was still living, my dear Mom would be 97 years old. She and Dad had a car when they got married in 1941 because Dad needed it to get to work. When he was called into the Army the following year, he gave her a one-day "crash course" on how to drive that stick-shift car, then left for the service. Mom was a good and careful driver, and that course was the only "crash" she ever experienced. Miss you, Mom. :heart:
Yeah, When we moved up to the City, the trolley stop was right outside our house. To this day I can hear the sound of that trolley. I used to go to sleep every night listening to the sound of the trolley. As kids we used to jump on the back and hitch rides to where we were going. Very dangerous. Or sometimes just for fun, we would pull the trolley lines off of the wires. My father worked in the shipyard and that made him exempt for the service. He wasn't allowed to even quit that job. But one of the benefits of working there was that he was allowed one pack of cigarettes for himself and my mother each day. My father took that trolley every day to work and then home again. I knew the exact time he would be home and was always waiting for him. I got a penny for that each day. Enough to buy a twofer. Two pieces of candy for one cent. :angel:
Addie and cws, hope you both feel better very soon.

Princess, glad to hear Shrek's surgery went well.

Kay, I remember that Chatsworth train wreck - you must have been so worried until you heard from Steve.:ohmy: I guess that new collision absorption technology must be working, today's wreck could have been so much worse. :ohmy:

Good heavens! Thinking and praying for all of you!
I have been up all night and here it is 6:15 a.m. EST. I have tried going to bed several times and am wide awake. This has been happening more and more often. I know that when you age, you need less sleep. Without the physical activity of a mother of five kids, I no longer have days of cleaning up and chasing after them. I need a few kids about five or six to move in with me. Then I will get tired enough for a sound nights sleep. Of course after day three, they will be on their way home real quick.

I made a fresh pot of coffee. So instead I have been drinking tall glasses of water instead. So much for the coffee. And no, coffee does not keep me awake. Spike shows up every night with Teddy around six. We all watch The Wheel and Jeopardy together. I was taking a short light nap when he came last night. So Teddy jumps up on my bed and starts to lick my ear. That got my attention. So I had to sit up and give him his daily fix of scratches and playtime. That dog knows how to play me really good. Then I was eating a dish of steak strips, sautéed onions and potatoes. Well he got half of it and even ate the onions. He will eat anything I eat. But no, I don't spoil him. But I do make him eat out of his own dish. No hand feeding from me. But he pulled a new trick last night. I put the food in his dish and then went to sit down in my own place. Away from him and where he was unable to see me as he ate. So he pushed his plate over in front of me and proceeded to clean his plate
up. Dang dog! :angel:
Up early this morning, watched the 4:00am showing of Downton Abbey.

Made a pot of soup, a pan of roasted vegetables and stuffed peppers!

Sounds like a lot of cooking, but my "doll house" cooking for one really does not amount to much! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
I'm trying to figure out what to do with the latest grocery spree goodies. I don't have the energy to go to the other store today (Save-A-Lot). My back is hurting enough that I don't dare push it today.

I picked up another sleeve of DelMonte colored peppers. I loved using them last month, sliced up with onion and cooked in garlic butter. The sleeve has one each of yellow, orange and red bell peppers. Very pretty and tasty too. The price was +/- $4. I only have a little left from last month so I'm definitely doing that again.

Today will be prep day. Slicing up the peppers and onions, yellow squash, trimming broccoli and portioning 10# chicken legs and 5# ground beef. All are being prepped for the freezer, no cooking yet.
Our condo association has hired a crew to clear of our buildings' roofs. Teams of 10 men are scurrying around on roof tops with shovels removing all the snow and icicles. They were just doing my roof and broke for lunch. I have a 3' pile of snow on my deck that was shoveled off the roof. They have been doing a good job of cleanup as they go.

About once a year a crew comes and blows out our gutters and down spouts with a leaf blower. One morning I wake up to footsteps over my bed and what sounds like a chain saw (leaf blower) that was a startling way to wake up.

Last week after our snow/ice event, the landscapers came and cleared walkways and sidewalks. That makes HOA fees easier to swallow!
Had to work later tonight. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Last two weeks with all the ice and snow kept me from getting stuff done on my days off (people drive horribly here in adverse weather). I'm having Costco withdrawal so a trip there is a must!
Had to work later tonight. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow. Last two weeks with all the ice and snow kept me from getting stuff done on my days off (people drive horribly here in adverse weather). I'm having Costco withdrawal so a trip there is a must!

They all need a New Englander to teach them how to drive in this weather.

It looks like Boston has run out of money for snow removal. Waiting for emergency funding to come from Washington. :angel:
What am I doing? I'm listening to the wind making my windows whistle all day.

I swear, Louisiana weather is schizophrenic! The past two days were in the higher 70s and gorgeously sunny. Particularly nice for my monthly shopping. Today, the wind is howling and whistling from the north and it's overcast.

Other than that I'm enjoying Wild Australia on the TV with the sound turned down; reading a book (as usual); playing with a Sudoku puzzle; and piddling around the kitchen, prepping groceries and getting ready to start a pot of chili.

I'm just flitting from one activity to another, enjoying my day.
I love finding uses for things people throw out, e.g. skips and/or recycling depots. Today I found new looking, varnished bamboo pieces (looked like it was for a bed) and made good use of it. (As you can see, I favour the naturalistic look of a garden).


That's neat, Creative. I like making stuff from discards too. Matter of fact, I have great difficulty throwing anything away :LOL: Since we're surrounded by woods, I make a lot of trellises from branches.
Very nice, creative! That looks great! I love garden pics as much as I do food pics. :)

I've been working in the yard so much lately. Taking a break now. I must have been out there 15 hours at least, in the past 3 days. There isn't much more room left on the back patio for flowers and veggie container gardening. Taking a break now and trying to decide what I want to do for dinner. :)
I love finding uses for things people throw out, e.g. skips and/or recycling depots. Today I found new looking, varnished bamboo pieces (looked like it was for a bed) and made good use of it. (As you can see, I favour the naturalistic look of a garden).


What is your planting season? Were I live we don't put plants in the ground until the last frost. Usually around the middle on May.

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