What is your weather like right now?

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66F, 84% humidity, overcast and dreary. expecting rain today and for the next several days. YUCKY
rainy, again. It's been a really wet, snowy spring. Yes it snowed this week. We went on our annual camping trip to the lake anyway, but left the boat at home. Too rainy, stormy... in fact, as we were packing up this morning, the local news came out and interviewed us: die-hard campers no matter what the weather!! ha!!!
Typical hot, humid weather for here. At the moment it's about 88F and overcast. Been sprinkling off and on for....ever. I'm considering building a boat.

I'd better get used to heat and humidity. That's the normal plan of the day until about October. Shorts and tank tops will be the usual attire.
THUNDER!! here comes the rain!! i never got a call back from the heavens that quick!! ok ub i will send it to you when we are done. :LOL:
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