What is your weather like right now?

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Some sunshine would be really therapeutic in South Dakota. Rainey, sleetey & smowey all day. It melts as soon as it hits the ground. The overcast skies makes it feel so glum...42F. A ray of sunshine would improve moods considerably.
You know the next challenge topic "The Four Seasons"? Well that is what we had today. It was beautifully sunny and crisp, then turned warm. Then I heard the thunder, saw the black clouds and we got hail, which then turned into rain which was followed by a bit of sun!
88F wind S14. Had to start running the a/c early today. Mixed clouds streaky, popcorn, and wispy. Pretty, but too hot.
Stormy and rainy today. It has stopped for a while, but for the next seven days, it is predicted to be stormy. I am so ready for the nice warm weather.
How's Shrek tonight? Sleeping, I hope. You had a frustrating day. Put your feet up and have a glass of wine. Unwind for awhile.
How's Shrek tonight? Sleeping, I hope. You had a frustrating day. Put your feet up and have a glass of wine. Unwind for awhile.

He's finally slowing down. Tomorrow he only gets one pain pill at a time, along with a Tylenol. He has to be off the pain pills by Tuesday or I won't be able to go to work! I'm hoping a good back rub (for him) and he'll be out for the night.
Right now it's extremely gloomy and about 70F. Yesterday was more of the same, except rain and winds.

The town where Buck and I lived was hit by a tornado yesterday and much of the downtown area has been leveled. No one was injured, but it's a mess as most of the brick buildings on Front Street (the main street) were/are over 100-years-old. A good portion of them are totally gone after this storm. Buck and I had our business in one of those buildings and, boy, am I glad I closed the business and don't have to worry about those kinds of headaches.

It's been a wild and crazy spring here this year. I'm ready for some mundane quiet weather.
For Easter yesterday it was a beautiful day in SW Minnesota. Came home today to South Dakota & it's overcast, cold & windy. Mother Nature is just teasing us.
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