What Is Everyone Doing New Years Eve?

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That really is a magical story Kayelle, thanks for sharing :)

Taking a stroll down memory lane, remembering my very best, most exciting NYE ever in 2007, although it doesn't seem that long ago.

Steve and I had been married just two months previously in Santorini Greece and we returned to Europe for my birthday and the holidays.
New Years Eve found us on a riverboat on the Danube in Linz Austria. That afernoon we were wandering through that lovely town and noticed the streets were full of vendors selling fireworks. I'm talking serious sky rocket fireworks like I've never seen for sale in the USA, and all the locals were buying them. We returned to the ship for a lovely dinner with the other passengers, and then bundled up for the cold to go up on the sun deck with our Champagne. Around 11 pm the spontaneous show began from the people of Linz on each side of the Danube river. It was the most spectacular fireworks show I've ever seen in my life. A light snow was falling, and the colors of the hundreds of fireworks over the water for more than an hour, was something to behold. Standing there with our Champagne, I felt like I was in a fantasy movie.

We'll remember that magical night tonight, and all of our NYE's.

Happy new year everyone!
I am having some snacks and drinking a little wine (Hogue Riesling). I'm not going crazy, as I have to work tomorrow.
new years eve on the banks of the danube river, with fireworks exploding and snowflakes drifting across the expectant, fresh faces of the newlyweds from america, for whom this magical scene would brighten new years night skies ever after....
kayelle, your new years in austria and your lovely rendition, is an incomparable memory to cherish always. thank you for sharing....

You really have a way with words Vit.
thanks, taxy, but it is kayelle's nye story that touches the senses and the spirit within. i'll not forget it.
this new year's i'm keeping company with martini and rossi, and watching the countdown show at times square. but now i'm wondering if i need to check out carson daly's show too...this must be something like bopping back and forth between football games....happy new year's everyone!!:)

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