Steak Tartare

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Assistant Cook
Jul 9, 2011
Hello all, this is my first post. I am Martin from the UK and I love cooking. I am not a professional chef, I just love food.

I am a member of other forums on the web but this is the first time I have been on a cooking forum.

So, get yourself some nice fillet beef, a jar of gherkins, a jar of capers (Both in salt water/brine). Fresh coriander and sea salt, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce if you have them and the freshest egg you can find (I get mine from a friend who has chickens so these egg yolks are a day or so old).

Chop (Do not mince) the beef, chop the gherkins and capers (You need roughly two part beef to one part gherkins and one part capers. A nice sprinkle of English mustard powder is good too. Make sure you mix the ingredients well.

Serve with sourdough bread with a drizzle of good olive oil, dressed with a few fresh chives


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The eggs are laid by a friends chickens, recently I have tried to make 50% of my diet raw and organic. I am feeling better for it. The egg gives a lovely coating to the beef once its broken, I would not want a tartare without one!! Fresh though! and free range and organic!!!!

Thank you for the welcome :D
Why is everyone against raw eggs? I would not eat random raw egg but if its free range and organic and from well kept chickens then its a treat and extremely nutritious. There is quite a weight of evidence pointing towards the lack of raw food and various illnesses. I won't rant though, each to their own and thank you for the kind welcome folks :)
Why is everyone against raw eggs? I would not eat random raw egg but if its free range and organic and from well kept chickens then its a treat and extremely nutritious. There is quite a weight of evidence pointing towards the lack of raw food and various illnesses. I won't rant though, each to their own and thank you for the kind welcome folks :)

I'll eat most things but I got a bit put off raw egg when my Gym teacher gave us raw egg in milk before a race once and I ended up getting egg all over my team!
Why is everyone against raw eggs? I would not eat random raw egg but if its free range and organic and from well kept chickens then its a treat and extremely nutritious...

Welcome to DC, Martin.

Here in the US, there is a threat of salmonella contaminated eggs and chickens. Thus, we are cautioned against eating either unless fully cooked.

Sadly, neither the freshness of the egg nor the habitat in which a chicken is kept ensures a salmonella-free result. The danger can exist if a chicken is raised free range on a small farm by caring people you've known for years, where it eats only the finest in organic foods and you consume the egg raw while it's still warm from the hen.

I wish it were not so.
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Thanks Andy. I suppose I have a cast iron stomach. It is recommended that a person should not drink more than a glass or two of wine, it never stopped me drinking 3 or 4 bottles in a night though!
Welcome to DC, Martin. I recently purchased two laying hens--there is nothing better than FRESH eggs (you'll notice I tend to mention FRESH eggs whenever possible). When I lived in Germany, we used to eat Steak Tartare...loved it. And, yes, we put a fresh egg on top. I survived.

If your friend has a rooster, the eggs have to be collected daily. You do not want to eat a fertilized egg if it was not collected the day it was laid. I am still new enough to having laying hens to still be thrilled every morning when I collect their eggs--especially if they are still warm.

I drank raw milk when I lived in Germany--it also did not kill me.

Whereabouts do you live in the UK?
Does anyone know what free range chickens eat? I've been told anything that moves/doesn't move etc. Think I'll not buy free range thanks. My imune system won't handle them.
I, too, lived in Germany as a kid and ate all kinds of stuff. AND I still eat eggnog. For some reason, it just doesn't look appealing to me on top of raw beef.
salmonella is all but unheard of in UK - they vaccinate their chickens, the US does not.

I would order steak tartar regularly in Germany and UK; had it once in an upscale famous NYC joint and was severely disappointed.
I don't know what free-range chickens eat--except that mine LOVE earthworms. I have been told they eat snakes, frogs, toads, and mice. They also eat lots of grass, weeds, egg shells, ground up veggies (mine seem to be particularly fond of avacado, radishes, and hot peppers). Chickens eat an amazing array of stuff. They like sour milk, yogurt, seeds from cantaloupe, and dry bread. The feed one buys can contain all kinds of interesting stuff--including antibiotics. The best turkeys I've ever eaten were free-range...

We can vaccinate our birds here in Canada. I was talking with my friend who is a vet about doing that just this morning. Most of the chicken sold here is raised in battery farms. Ditto for the eggs.
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oh baby, martin. that looks brilliant!!!

nevermind the egg naysayers. i was raised on raw eggs by my norwegian mom, and have never suffered ill effects from it. i might even go as far to say that the more protective one is with food borne pathogens, the more susceptible one becomes of them.

but that's a thread not worth duscussing here, i'm sorry to say.

but welcome, and fear not the posting of your pictures of delicious food.

1 more order of the tatare please... :)
It does look very good...and very DH would never eat Steak Tartare...he prefers his meat as close to shoe leather as possible. I like mine to "barely hit the pan" (he teases me that I cook it just long enough so that it can run off the plate...). Needless to say, I grill my own steaks...
I think its a fact that cooked meat is considered a poison by the body and the body reacts with an auto immune response. I still eat cooked meat by the way but I feel different after eating raw beef as opposed to cooked beef. I feel cleaner (Same for my wife) and the next day I seem to have more energy - It could be placebo type effect but I don't think it is. The taste is far better than having it cooked, its like raw tuna versus cooked tuna, there is no contest in my humble opinion.

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