E-Readers, Suggestions and Questions

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vitauta said:
continual problems with downloading ebooks to my nook, and so far it only happens with the free ones. the problem is referred back to the book publisher who may or may not eventually rectify the problem....

Cripes, Vit, get a Kindle! :)

Yeah, dang, I'm helpful. Not.

I truly have never had that problem with my Kindle.
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Cripes, Vit, get a Kindle! :)

Yeah, dang, I'm helpful. Not.

I truly have never had that problem with my Kindle.

yeah, thanks, not, dawg.:)half of my ebooks are already kindle's, which i read on my netbook. this last book i was trying to download yesterday, brighton rock, by graham greene, is a freebie offered by b&n. kindle doesn't have a free volume of this book--theirs costs 9.99. so, i'll just wait and see a while....actually, dawg, i've come mighty close (on several occasions already) to chucking the nook for a kindle reader. but, i've noticed that in my life my problems have a tendency of following me wherever i go, so...not yet.:)
I prefer a real book with pages I can turn, love books!

before i bought an ereader, i too thought i would miss turning those real pages, feeling that real paper, snip, but that's not how it went down...i like holding the ereader--it has a nice smooth, compact feel to it. i have always been a one-handed reader, whenever possible. that often makes for unwieldy book handling and is invariably hard on the books' spines. additionally, the ereader print is easy on the eyes, and, unlike with the paper book, the font size itself is adjustable. except for textbooks, i've never been big on notations and underlinings in books, though even these are possible with the ereader. the one thing i do miss about real paper books, is the ability to thumb back through the pages to reread passages or sections in an earlier part of the book. this is rather difficult to do with an ereader, and i miss this little pleasure i like to indulge in while reading....:(
I like that commercial out for the Kindle now, where the woman "gets" to carry a huge purse to keep her books in.
From my thoughts in another thread:
Is it just me, or do the E-books seem priced high?
I looked at several books the other day and the Kindle version was twice as much as the paperback version, new. Is this just Kindle or normal for all the e-readers?
I haven't bought any new Kindle books in ages as I have quite a backlog on mine, and summer is over, so less time for reading. I won't buy the ebooks unless Kindle price is cheaper. I would imagine that if Kindle books are more expensive, there too goes Nook, etc.
From my thoughts in another thread:
Is it just me, or do the E-books seem priced high?
I looked at several books the other day and the Kindle version was twice as much as the paperback version, new. Is this just Kindle or normal for all the e-readers?

I've noticed that too pac. I was seriously considering a kindle but the ebooks seem to run around $10 and the paperbacks around $5-$7. It seems it's only a savings if you buy hardbacks. So I'm back on the fence about getting one. I'd really like to have the convenience of the kindle but will continue with my paperbacks for the time being.

tempting prices, very tempting. i guess that means nook will be slashing their prices as well. in the meanwhile, prices for ebooks have been skyrocketing! just in the 6-8 months i've been buying ebooks, they've gone from 9.99, to 12.99 and heading toward 14.99 as a going rate. ebook prices being what they are, they should be giving away the ereaders for free! maybe after xmas....:)
It sounds like Amazon and Barnes and Noble are finally giving into the publishers' demands. :( For a long time ebooks were much cheaper than the analogues. Will have to check out Kindle Nation newsletter and find out why.

Folks might also want to post on Amazon's Kindle site and explain why they are not buying Kindles or ebooks.

I still prefer my Kindle 2 to a duffle full of paperbacks.
As a consumer I would rather have a higher initial cost and then reap the savings. Their marketing either seems backwards, or they are hoping that the new people purchasing e-readers won't price shop their library. Maybe rely on all the others who have purchased before them.
It would be nice to see the price of the e-books at least the same, certainly not higher. They are getting people to pay for convenience.
the instant gratification of impulse buying of ebooks has turned out to be a major weakness of mine and continues to be my downfall as a nook owner. there are enough free books out there to keep me reading for my lifetime.--but, i'm discovering that it just doesn't work that way. free ebook samples lead to purchases one out of every three or four times. i can't seem to resist buying ebooks on the fly--a book plug by an author on tv, a random referral....what bothers me even more than having spent hundreds of dollars on so many bad choices, it's the realization of recently having succumbed to buying ebooks over paper books for convenience even when they cost more. i am so angry and disappointed with myself, i thought i was better than this....
the instant gratification of impulse buying of ebooks has turned out to be a major weakness of mine and continues to be my downfall as a nook owner. there are enough free books out there to keep me reading for my lifetime.--but, i'm discovering that it just doesn't work that way. free ebook samples lead to purchases one out of every three or four times. i can't seem to resist buying ebooks on the fly--a book plug by an author on tv, a random referral....what bothers me even more than having spent hundreds of dollars on so many bad choices, it's the realization of recently having succumbed to buying ebooks over paper books for convenience even when they cost more. i am so angry and disappointed with myself, i thought i was better than this....

Salute! Well said.
I absolutely an impulse buyer. I have taken to putting things into a Wish List if the site has one, then looking at them a few days later and re-evaluating.
Well remember the "with Special Offers" mean it come with advertisements.....

"Special Offers
Receive special offers and sponsored screensavers that display on the Kindle Keyboard screensaver and on the bottom of the home screen—they don't interrupt reading."
The ads are ignorable. Far easier to ignore than some of the pop up crap on the computer.

As for the ebooks, did you guys not see this?

NEW - Public Library Books
Customers can check out a Kindle book from their local library and start reading on any Kindle or free Kindle reading app. Learn more

Kindle Book Lending
Lend eligible Kindle books to other Kindle or Kindle app users for 14 days. Learn more.

I currently have 5 library books on my kindle, and I tend to check out the "Daily Deal" to see if its any good. I limit myself to the cheapie books. I buy them if they are $2.99 or below. I've only splurged on expensive ($10) books a couple of times. Those times were when I couldn't GET the darned book from the library and was not about to either wait 6 months to read it, or spend $30 for the hardcover version.

I've always been a bit miserly with my spending money. If the library has it...that's where I'm going. Now that we can lend books from Kindle to Kindle I'm all over it. My sister, niece and best guy friends have them and we are going to be ON that.
alix, you are one smart kindle user--the kind that i would like to/will never be myself. if more kindlers would utilize the libraries and exchange ebooks back and forth the publishers and retailers would be forced into lowering their ridiculously exorbitant prices for ebooks for all of us. i barely know how to use my computer. the kindle library might as well be on mars....
vitauta, its really very easy! Just contact your local library and the librarian will walk you through it.

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