Petty Vents

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I don't think it's a petty vent but my brothers white blood count is low, they wouldn't give him chemo today and I'm just discouraged. I normally feel optimistic about stuff, I don't.. I feel like he's going to die and I'm so discouraged and sad.
So sorry about your brother. I do hyperbaric medicine and we have a lot of stage 3 and 4 cancer patients. Have your brother research a ketogenic diet. Lots of info on the web. It's no miracle cure but it has slowed the process and given the patients a much higher quality of life. Many of our patients are also on metformin, he might want to ask his oncologist about it. Seems it reduces the sugar that feeds the tumor.
Hugs Merlot! As said, a lot of us have been there! Hard to do just try to keep a positive attitude around him but let him vent and mostly... hold his hand. Some days my brother just wouldn't let go.

Sending some dragonettes with extra hugs for both you and him.
I don't think it's a petty vent but my brothers white blood count is low, they wouldn't give him chemo today and I'm just discouraged. I normally feel optimistic about stuff, I don't.. I feel like he's going to die and I'm so discouraged and sad.

First my son-in-law and then my daughter. They both made it and are alive today. So hang in there. Prayer can work wonders!
I don't think it's a petty vent but my brothers white blood count is low, they wouldn't give him chemo today and I'm just discouraged. I normally feel optimistic about stuff, I don't.. I feel like he's going to die and I'm so discouraged and sad.

I can understand your concern, Merlot. I have first-hand experience with chemo and low blood counts. I, too, was at a point or two when the chemo administration was questionable due to low white blood count.

Chin up and best wishes for a good outcome for your brother. I'm still here, so there's hope for your brother, too.
Many of our patients are also on metformin, he might want to ask his oncologist about it. Seems it reduces the sugar that feeds the tumor.

I never knew that about metformin, I always thought that metformin increased the muscles sensitivity to the sugar or to the insulin to help reduce the sugar floating around in the blood.
I never knew that about metformin, I always thought that metformin increased the muscles sensitivity to the sugar or to the insulin to help reduce the sugar floating around in the blood.

I don't do oncology but pretty much all of our stage 3 and 4 cancer patients are on it. When I went recently to my primary MD for surgical clearance, he discussed putting me on it as a preventative for cancer! I declined but there must be a valid study out there somewhere if so many are jumping on the bandwagon. That's why I suggested he ask his doctor about it.
I so appreciate each and every comment, I think I have to have a mental breakdown at least every two weeks and I apologize.
I really really appreciate the diet suggestions but unfortunately he has esophageal cancer and can't eat a lot. I'm mostly worried that he pours boost into his feeding tube, sounds like sugar to me but I dunno. He came to my house and I offered to make him absolutely anything he wants, he said no... nothing tastes good. I offered a low sodium v 8, no it doesn't taste good. I ransacked my house to get rid of everything possible to have a sale for him. I just can't stand it but who am I to complain? I don't have cancer.
I so appreciate each and every comment, I think I have to have a mental breakdown at least every two weeks and I apologize.
I really really appreciate the diet suggestions but unfortunately he has esophageal cancer and can't eat a lot. I'm mostly worried that he pours boost into his feeding tube, sounds like sugar to me but I dunno. He came to my house and I offered to make him absolutely anything he wants, he said no... nothing tastes good. I offered a low sodium v 8, no it doesn't taste good. I ransacked my house to get rid of everything possible to have a sale for him. I just can't stand it but who am I to complain? I don't have cancer.
Boost is a very good alternative for people who have difficulty eating. It has lots of vitamins and minerals; the high protein variety would be especially good for him as protein is necessary for healing.
I so appreciate each and every comment, I think I have to have a mental breakdown at least every two weeks and I apologize.
I really really appreciate the diet suggestions but unfortunately he has esophageal cancer and can't eat a lot. I'm mostly worried that he pours boost into his feeding tube, sounds like sugar to me but I dunno. He came to my house and I offered to make him absolutely anything he wants, he said no... nothing tastes good. I offered a low sodium v 8, no it doesn't taste good. I ransacked my house to get rid of everything possible to have a sale for him. I just can't stand it but who am I to complain? I don't have cancer.

Doesn't his doctor have him on feeding tube mixtures like Jevity, ProSource, Fibersource, etc? As I understand it, they don't taste so great going through your mouth, but are perfectly fine for feeding tubes and would be a lot better than Boost. About the same cost I believe, but they have more vitamins, minerals, etc.
Merlot, you know we are all here for you. If you feel like you have to have a breakdown every two weeks or so, go for it. Then you can grab those boot straps and pull yourself back up. Sometimes in order to be strong for the other person, we have to give everything we have in ourselves. And then you feel so empty inside, that you have to have that mental breakdown. And if that breakdown doesn't do it for you, have yourself one heck of a good deep sobbing cry. It can work wonders.

There are prayers on the way. For both and your brother to see the both of you through this most difficult time. I have been there, so I know.
Hoping things improve, Merlot. It's hard to stay positive when things like this happen.

I don't want to post a petty vent now. Compared to what Merlot is going through, everything in my life is petty.
I feel guilty for posting here. I so appreciate every word and virtual hug and every good thought yet I feel bad that you have to comfort me, is that ridiculous or what. I thank each and everyone of you. Me.. like you.. I'm a foodie so I research stuff and I'm thinking to him.. eat black raspberries! It's great for esophageal cancer. Yet he won't touch them. I eat like a champ. I eat all those super foods that everyone else (in my life ) hates and yet I can't help him. It sucks to say the least and I know. I have one power that decides if he stays here or not so.... I'll try to be calmer. Please don't sto your petty vents, I'm a silly gal who doesn't know where to post and I love to hear everyone's stories!
I am getting very irritated. I have been on Vicodin for more than ten years. They are for the pain in my hips and spine. The dosage is supposed to be "take two, three times a day. 5-325 mg. I am not sure if that is the total dose of two or just one. I have never asked. I usually take only one. Most of the time that calms down my hips and spine. The only time I may take the two of them together is if I was walking too much outside.

There are some days I don't need to take any. And there are days when I am so grateful I have them. The problem is for some folks, they make them sleepy. So I take one, the second one later if I feel I still need it. For me, they give me energy you wouldn't believe. Every time I take the two, the family joke is, "There she goes, up on the roof to scrub it on her hands and knees."

I took two Wednesday and was up for 36 hours straight. Then when I fell asleep, it was from pure exhaustion. And of course I fell asleep through my timed Gabapentin doses.

Well, now the neuropathy from the diabetes that I knew would hit me sooner or later, has arrived. Winthrop has informed me that I can take the Vicodin with the Gabapentin if the pain is too unbearable. But that I should continue to stick to my regular times of dosage if I can. Use my own judgement. Am I addicted to them? That would be a resounding "No!" A couple of years ago I asked to have the amount I receive every month reduced since I don't always need that many. So unless the pain from my hips has gone into my spine, I don't want it. Or if the neuropathy pain is so bad that the Gabapentin is just not doing the job. I waited too long to take them. Trying to get back on my regular dosage schedule.

They work with great with the Gabapentin. They stop the neuropathy pain and any pain I might have in my hips and spine. But I stay up for hours on end, and then collapse into oblivion. Missing all the regular timed dosages for my other meds. And that concerns me. Because I am missing my heart, neuropathy and thyroid medications. Along with some of the many other meds I take. Not take the Vicodin and learn to live with the pain from two incurable problems that are only getting worse with age and time, or take them and stay up for hours on end and then collapse into such a deep sleep that I miss my other very important meds.
Save me from sick Ogres...

He will get better. He is in the very best pair of capable hands. I wanted to put "loving" hands in there. But from the tone of your voice, I don't think that would be the right word at this time. Maybe tomorrow. I will check back. :angel: Just for you. Well earned and deserved.
aww Princess... I feel for you....


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But he'll be better soon .... and you can let him out.


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Long rant about dis-service, Magazines(GH in this one), Sodium, Research

Good Housekeeping Magazine, August 2011
Listed Under…
Goodhealth…. Healthy in a Hurry (key titles here!)

Shrimp & Mango Skewers… yada yada… grilled low fat shrimp (just 80 calories per 4-ounce serving). More yada yada yada…

They neglect to mention in the ‘Ingredients’ – ¼ tsp each salt & pepper. Granted this was 6 years ago but if they are on the “healthy” kick then they already know that salt is an issue for many Americans. “Healthy” doesn’t just mean calories, carbs, fat, cholesterol and ‘sugars’. It certainly does however, include sodium, even back then.

So back to their first statement… Just 80 calories per (4 ounce) serving. That is a gross mis-service. Your average dieter is going only see 80 cal per serving , where-as they were really referring to the shrimp only, not the entire dish. They do list the entire dish as 410 calories per serving. I think anything under the 500 mark is good. About the only good point I can applaud.
Then the shocker is down the list you hit sodium at 890 mg per serving!
Now bear with me… the “upper” limit listed by the American Heart Assoc. for sodium ‘used to be' 2,300 mg per day… which translates to about 1 tsp… ergo ¼ tsp is (2,300 divided by 4 =) 575 mg of sodium. Keep working with this guys …. Granted that there is natural sodium in the other ingredients but it just does not calculate – if you take the ¼ tsp of sodium that is 575 mg of sodium for the whole dish and divide that by 4 for the total servings, you are now at approx. 144 mg of sodium per serving. So why are they saying that there is a total of 890 mg per serving!!!!????

So who does the proof-reading/calculations/nutritional calcs/fact findings/etc/etc… just to sell a magazine… let the buyer/reader/believer beware!

Granted again… this is from a 2011 magazine and it is now 2017 – but in case anyone is interested:-

Because of Americans obsession with salt (bad phrasing, I know, GG please put it in better words for me) the Heart Association has now lowered the daily recommendation of sodium to (I think) 1,500 mg a day.

There are many more issues here and this is just one of them. It boggles my mind and I cannot encompass even half of the injustices wrought. For big companies that pay lawyers HUGE fees to avoid lawsuits… but then the little guy hardly ever has the time much less the money…

OK - rant over
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