What is your weather like right now?

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Weather here today is mid 60's and tonight lower 40's. One night the heating blanket is on and the next night the ceiling fan is on. Crazy!
This is a photo I took on Saturday at Eagle Nest Lake State Park, in Northern New Mexico. The National Weather Service said the haze is from wild fires in Montana and Idaho. We are a fur piece from those states!


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Wow, lines are already forming at local gas stations, and only premium was available!:ohmy: Irma seems to have put everyone in a panic.:( Guess I won't be working this week. I usually have to fill up the service truck once a day, just to do relatively close service calls. My route this month has me traveling 2 to 3 hours each way, requiring 2 fill ups per day. Having to wait an hour or more in line, just kills those long trips.
My grandson and his GF live in Clearwater FL, close to her family... They are all prepared to evacuate if it comes to that.. Her family has an RV, fully stocked and ready to go.. I hope it doesn't become necessary to leave but, glad they are prepared and are paying attention..

My grandson and his GF live in Clearwater FL, close to her family... They are all prepared to evacuate if it comes to that.. Her family has an RV, fully stocked and ready to go.. I hope it doesn't become necessary to leave but, glad they are prepared and are paying attention..

They're evacuating the Keys starting with visitors tomorrow morning and residents soon after. If I was them, and had the means to leave, I'd do that before the traffic is so bad going north that it becomes impossible. There are only a couple routes out of Florida, after all, and it's looking like Irma will be a Category 4 when it gets to the state.
They're evacuating the Keys starting with visitors tomorrow morning and residents soon after. If I was them, and had the means to leave, I'd do that before the traffic is so bad going north that it becomes impossible. There are only a couple routes out of Florida, after all, and it's looking like Irma will be a Category 4 when it gets to the state.

My daughter is communicating with the girls mother and she (the girls mother) is ready to go at any time... We just have to have faith that any hesitation is kept to a minimum..

My daughter is communicating with the girls mother and she (the girls mother) is ready to go at any time... We just have to have faith that any hesitation is kept to a minimum..

I hope they will be all right. I have a friend who is, so far, stuck in Key West. No rental cars available, buses and airlines are all booked, and their hotel is closing tomorrow. They have a tentative ride to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. Hopefully it works out. Scary.
71 and sunny at 8am. On/off showers & thunderstorms this afternoon and evening.

On the subject of Irma, adopted son may be coming up from Orlando but nothing is in stone. Cousins in Ocala are probably going to visit our cousin in Norfolk. Still haven't heard anything from my sister and BIL who are on the OBX.
I hope they will be all right. I have a friend who is, so far, stuck in Key West. No rental cars available, buses and airlines are all booked, and their hotel is closing tomorrow. They have a tentative ride to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. Hopefully it works out. Scary.

Was watching news about Key West earlier (5am)... I hope the ride worked out..

I can understand folks not wanting to leave a home they have worked years for. But Good Grief! Is your life less valuable that a pile of sticks? You have been protecting your life longer than your home. Don't stop now!
Buddy in Sint Maarten said that parts of the island have been completely scoured, no structures, no vegetation, just wiped clean.

Probably a good idea to get out of the way of Irma.
If Irma goes up the middle of the current projected path, the devestation is going to make the last few hurricanes look like childs play. It will be hitting the most densely populated and built up areas in Florida head on. Pray for it to keep turning to the east.
If Irma goes up the middle of the current projected path, the devestation is going to make the last few hurricanes look like childs play. It will be hitting the most densely populated and built up areas in Florida head on. Pray for it to keep turning to the east.
Medtran, in what part of Florida do you and Craig live? Irma is huge - about twice as wide as Florida. Are you all thinking of evacuating?
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