Random Photo Thread: The Sequel

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My SIL just sent me this pic on my phone, so thought I'd share.

My little 6-year old grandson, Aiden, is my youngest grandchild and is just learning how to ski. :wub: :LOL:


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He looks great, Cheryl!

Where were they skiing?

I so badly want to go skiing out west again.

Thank you Ross, and Bucky. :)

Bucky, this pic was taken at Mountain High, in the San Gabriel Mountains of SoCal. :ohmy: :LOL: Lots of snow up there - not only there but in most of the higher elevations.

If you are an avid skier, you should check out Mammoth Mountain's FB page. :ohmy: They are getting pounded with snow, and expecting skiing conditions to last until at least June of this year. Holy moly....!
Thank you Ross, and Bucky. :)

Bucky, this pic was taken at Mountain High, in the San Gabriel Mountains of SoCal. :ohmy: :LOL: Lots of snow up there - not only there but in most of the higher elevations.

If you are an avid skier, you should check out Mammoth Mountain's FB page. :ohmy: They are getting pounded with snow, and expecting skiing conditions to last until at least June of this year. Holy moly....!

I wish I had learned to ski at his age. It comes so naturally to kids.

I took a really bad fall one year at Squaw Valley, and the next morning I took a test ski down a green slope at Northstar to make sure I was okay to keep skiing, and these little kids were flying past me. :LOL:

How adorable is that Cheryl!!

Do you ski? I only learned how to ski on water.

I learned to waterski before I learned to snow ski. Two things you would think are the same, but are 100-percent opposite. I had to ignore everything I knew about waterskiing to get the hang of snow skiing. Once I hit that "aha" moment on snow, I was okay. I just had to get used to leaning forward instead of backward.

Thank you Kay, Casey, and CG.

Not a snow skier here....I tried it a couple of times and it just wasn't for me. I pretty much grew up with water skiing and love the sun and water more than the cold and snow. :LOL:
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Pirate belong to a children's group at our Recreation Center. One day they took the kids skiing. Pirate on his first run down the slope brought him right into the small river at the end of the slope. Nobody warned him to go sideways to another trail. That was the end of this skiing lesson. He was soaking wet and shivering from head to foot. They had one of the leaders bring him home. Needless to say I was miffed.
Lovely photo, Rick. A perfect amount of snow - enough to make everything clean and pretty, not so much that it makes driving a problem. I bet all the snow melted off the driveway and street anyway. I know that a sunny day helps us out that way.
That's really pretty Rick. Is that ice or snow on the trees?

It's actually hoarfrost - happens when you have fog while the temperature is below freezing. Oddly for a region that is classified as "semi-arid", we get fog quite often in the winter. I've waked up to a fairly heavy fog probably 7 or 8 mornings this winter so far, but not all resulted in such a picturesque morning as the one in the photo.
That's really pretty Rick. Is that ice or snow on the trees?

Here's a shot I took with my phone while driving past the local wind farm a couple days before the one I posted above. We woke up to the same thing again this morning - our whole world is about a 2 block radius.

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This isn't random, but I'm going to Corpus Christi tomorrow for a 100-car photoshoot. It is a studio shoot, with a 10X30 foot softbox and 18,000 watts of lights. The lighting gear is owned by the customer, and some of it is not what I would have bought, but I've worked with worse.

Here is a photo of a previous shoot with similar equipment. Hopefully, we can get similar results.




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