We Met Tattrat Tonight!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
It's funny, you never know what to expect when you meet someone. I can't honestly tell you exactly what I was expecting when we met Tattrat, but he wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting a nice guy, but I'm not sure I was expecting to feel so at ease. He was a terrific guy, and his gorgeous girlfriend was so sweet! They were both so easy and fun to talk to! We met at a really great pub/restaurant that is one of their favorites. Tatt's best friend was also there but had to leave earlier than the rest of us. We had such a great time! The food was fantastic, but the company was even better.

I'm not kidding, he and Buckytom could be brothers! I'll bet they will get along great when they get to meet.

I feel bad that I caught Tatt's sweetie with her eyes closed in the one picture. It is a good one of him though, so I included it, but believe me she is a cutie!



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Ok, where are the eggs????? Tat looks like someone you would not want to mess with!!!!

Hi Tattrat!!!!!!
Wow Tatt, she is great looking.. You make a beautiful couple Wish I could have been there..Someday though look out

ok, barbs, if you're going to travel the world and see everyone then you have to come to KZ ...........jest kidding......but there is great beer here and great food too promise.....no horse meat..........glad that you and James are having a great time.........
Thanks for the update, BL I'm sure enjoying your jaunt and the pics. I guess you're almost home. You'll need a vacation to heal from all your road weary bones!
Continue to be safe. And enjoy!
Good times, indeed!

James and Barbara are great folk, very easy to get on with. Thanks so much for the chance to meet!

Looking forward to Friday night, we will have to get some more pics too.
Good times, indeed!

James and Barbara are great folk, very easy to get on with. Thanks so much for the chance to meet!

Looking forward to Friday night, we will have to get some more pics too.
We are looking forward to it too! Maybe I can get some pictures of you in action in the kitchen! Sorry jkath, you are going to need an even greener face after Friday (and I forgot to tell you about our last stop before we go home!)! But believe me, I will go home walking on air after these last two stops!

Ok, where are the eggs????? Tat looks like someone you would not want to mess with!!!!

Hi Tattrat!!!!!!

yer darn tootin'! or you'll have to mess with his brother, too! :cool:

good to see you and your better half, tatt.

james, i'm working on getting you a lanyard, as you requested.
You guys are having way too much fun and I am so terribly jealous! I'm with jkath - jealous!!! Barb - how rubbery were those eggs? :LOL:

...and Friday night too?????????????????
yer darn tootin'! or you'll have to mess with his brother, too! :cool:

good to see you and your better half, tatt.

james, i'm working on getting you a lanyard, as you requested.
WooHoo! He said "excellent!"

You guys are having way too much fun and I am so terribly jealous! I'm with jkath - jealous!!! Barb - how rubbery were those eggs? :LOL:

...and Friday night too?????????????????
Hey, enough pepper and Tabasco and you don't notice the rubberiness!

Yep, Friday night too. No one ever said Tattrat wasn't up for a challenge! :LOL: And guess where we're headed after we leave here? :mrgreen::stuart::w00t2:

WooHoo! He said "excellent!"

Hey, enough pepper and Tabasco and you don't notice the rubberiness!

Yep, Friday night too. No one ever said Tattrat wasn't up for a challenge! :LOL: And guess where we're headed after we leave here? :mrgreen::stuart::w00t2:

uhhhhh here?:kiss:
give where!!!!

Well, I'll give you a hint. She is a cute little thing who lives in North Carolina, and has an adorable doggie named Isabella who loves to french kiss!


Really? What day will you be arriving??? ...there will be food so I must prepare! :LOL: Just tell me it's not Saturday - I have to work all day and cooking will NOT be an option! :mad:

Oh, and Andy - I was going to thank you for associating "cute little thing" with me but I guess "Isabella" gave it away...:LOL::LOL:
Really? What day will you be arriving??? ...there will be food so I must prepare! :LOL: Just tell me it's not Saturday - I have to work all day and cooking will NOT be an option! :mad:

Oh, and Andy - I was going to thank you for associating "cute little thing" with me but I guess "Isabella" gave it away...:LOL::LOL:
We will be leaving here Saturday afternoon and will stop at one last hotel Saturday night, which means that we should be there sometime Sunday (We don't do early! lol We tend to leave an hour or so after check out). If Sunday is bad for you, we could just go home and then come up when it is a good time, but we might have to break into the gifts! :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:

We can't wait to see you! It has been too long!

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