How do you like your Iced Tea/Coffee?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I have never been one to enjoy the sweet ice tea mixes, they are just too sweet for me and don't really taste like tea.

I prefer to make herbal teas (peppermint and the fruity ones are best) and pour it over ice with no sugar added. I just tried Red Tea Ice Tea for the first time and really enjoyed it.

How do you like your iced tea...or iced the summer?
I like plain iced tea additional flavors --- Sometimes a squeeze of lemon is good....Also like "Arnold Palmer's" ...A mixture of tea and lemonade...

Don't drink iced coffee....
Iced coffee, plain or once in awhile I like the sugar free chocolate syrup and some unswetened whipped cream..Nice treat, iced tea, unsweetened or occasionally with mango just lots of ice and some lemon most times.
I like iced tea flavored with Monin's Fruit Puree , which comes in different fruit flavors.
Sweet Luzianne iced tea, no lemon. I prefer it with sugar but drink it with Splenda.

I also like various hot teas, including green tea, cinnamon & spice, and Constant Comment.

I like plain iced tea additional flavors --- Sometimes a squeeze of lemon is good....Also like "Arnold Palmer's" ...A mixture of tea and lemonade...

Don't drink iced coffee....

Hmm, one of our local restaurants serves that but they call it "Tea-ade". It is very refreshing.
For my ice tea I like it super cold with only a half packet of sweet-n-low.
For my coffee weather it be iced (which is nice for a treat once in a while) or hot, it's 2 level sugars and Land O' Lakes Half & Half. Can't stand milk or powdered creamers.
plain. coffee, hot and black. I like different types of teas, and like it hot or cold. I like iced hibiscus in the summer. amazing color.

p.s. i like half-n-half in my coffee, and if I am up early, preparing a turkey, etc, I like to throw in some gran marnier while watching the parade on Thanksgiving or New Years mornings...
Earl Grey, hot. (Before Picard was even a captain) with 1 tsp honey, one tsp sugar.

Iced tea, strong, with lemon, no sugar.

Green tea iced.
Lately, I've been brewing Twining's Chai Tea - 8 bags to a liter and a half of boiling water. Let it steep for about 30 minutes. Remove bags carefully. Add 1/2 - 1 cup sugar and a can of evaporated milk. Chill and serve with ice. Yum.

Coffee - we like dark roast and brew it strong. Drink it with evaporated milk and sugar.
Plain, on both counts. Don't drink either as often as I used to (have what I call shaky hand syndrome, and caffeine really irritates it). Like my coffee very strong, like me tea rather weak. But never sweetened.
Claire said:
have what I call shaky hand syndrome

Ah, Claire - my husband has the same condition. The doctors thought he had Parkinson's at one time, but it turns out to be "idiopathic/essential tremor" - a benign condition that he inherited from his mother. Caffeine makes it worse, so he limits himself to two cups a day: one in the morning, one in the afternoon.
MexicoKaren, I've never actually talked to a doctor about it. My paternal grandmother was shaky, and my maternal great-grandmother. But all of my sisters suffer to smaller degrees (of course they are all younger than I, so who knows), but the nephew i"m most in contact with says he suffers from it. I know maybe I should have done some personal messaging, but maybe someone will see this and not feel so "all alone"!!!
I'm not a huge coffee drinker, mostly in the wintertime, and when I have tea during the warmer months it's usually iced with very little sweetener. Around here they make sweet tea that makes my jaws ache.

A friend turned me on to a blackberry/sage tea that is super either hot or cold and is good unsweetened. Really tasty.

I'm always open to new varieties of teas and coffees, though.

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