Tuesday March 19, what's on your table?

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
I made another batch of that jambalaya, this time using some cut up smoked beef kielbasa, in place of the usual ham I use. And this time I put some shrimp in at the end, for the one serving, and I'll add more for each serving I reheat - this way it doesn't turn to rubber. I didn't have any celery this time, but I put a little celery seed in for flavor, and chopped up the last stalks of my bok choy, out of the hydro, for some texture.

Oh yeah - something I almost forgot that I added to this - some fish sauce, as the salt source (besides the salt in the kielbasa). Something I figured would be good in jambalaya, and go well with the shrimp. I added about 2 tb to it, which seemed about right for it. I remembered this when I was cleaning up and putting things away! I will use it again, for this, and similar dishes.
Spices and herbs for the jambalaya - cloves, celery seed, datil pepper, thyme, Syrian oregano, and ground bay leaf. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Jambalaya ingredients - about 2 tb garlic, a huge diced bell pepper, and 12 oz smoked beef kielbasa, cut up and browned. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Some shrimp added to the jambalaya, to cook for a few minutes with the residual steam. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Tovala meal. Panko crusted chicken with tamari-garlic sauce, noodles with sweet soy sauce, roasted broccoli and InnovAsian pork potstickers with homemade dipping sauce. A thumbs up meal.
I made another batch of that jambalaya, this time using some cut up smoked beef kielbasa, in place of the usual ham I use. And this time I put some shrimp in at the end, for the one serving, and I'll add more for each serving I reheat - this way it doesn't turn to rubber. I didn't have any celery this time, but I put a little celery seed in for flavor, and chopped up the last stalks of my bok choy, out of the hydro, for some texture.

Oh yeah - something I almost forgot that I added to this - some fish sauce, as the salt source (besides the salt in the kielbasa). Something I figured would be good in jambalaya, and go well with the shrimp. I added about 2 tb to it, which seemed about right for it. I remembered this when I was cleaning up and putting things away! I will use it again, for this, and similar dishes.
Spices and herbs for the jambalaya - cloves, celery seed, datil pepper, thyme, Syrian oregano, and ground bay leaf. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Jambalaya ingredients - about 2 tb garlic, a huge diced bell pepper, and 12 oz smoked beef kielbasa, cut up and browned. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Some shrimp added to the jambalaya, to cook for a few minutes with the residual steam. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A real big deal down on the SE Texas coast between Houston and NOLA, is Vietnamese/Cajun fusion. There is a huge Vietnamese population down there, and they have blended their food traditions with cajun food traditions. I'm guessing there is some fish sauce in that cuisine.

I use andouille sausage in my jambalaya, but any smoked sausage will work just fine. You may not have andouille in your local supermarket.

You got one-third of the trinity in there (onion, celery, bell pepper), and the Pope (garlic). I reckon the celery seed will do the job. I love onions, so I'd have a hard time leaving that one out.

You ate better than I did today.

I finally had a day where I could make that Danish meal that I have been craving. It's called "brændende kærlighed", which means burning love. I described it to a friend - a bunch of bacon cut into cubes and fried, then a slightly smaller bunch of onion fried in some of the bacon fat. Serve it over mashed potatoes. Sprinkle some chopped parsley on top. The friend's reply was, "Yum, varynika guts." She has Ukrainian heritage.

As a starter, we had a Caesar salad without croutons. I ate too much. It really hit the spot. There were also pickled beets. DH thanked me for teaching him the food that goes with his Danish roots. :heart:

Caesar salad minus croutons.jpg
Brændende kærlighed.jpg
Brændende kærlighed med rødbeder.jpg
@caseydog I didn't leave the onion out - it was just cooking already, when I cut up those other things! lol And there might be Andouille sausage available occasionally around here, but I won't pay the ridiculous prices they charge.

And I hope you heal quickly from whatever dental work you had done! Take care.
@caseydog I didn't leave the onion out - it was just cooking already, when I cut up those other things! lol And there might be Andouille sausage available occasionally around here, but I won't pay the ridiculous prices they charge.

And I hope you heal quickly from whatever dental work you had done! Take care.

Andouille has gotten pretty easy to get in Dallas these days. I used to have to buy it down on the coast and bring it back. The one think I can't get here is Tasso, a cajun ham used in small pieces to flavor things like gumbos and even jambalaya. I have to cure that myself.

My dental work is nothing too serious. I haven't had a cavity since the 1970s, and I got complacent. They are having to numb my mouth to do some deep cleaning low the gum-line. They can only do one quarter of my mouth at a time. It is unpleasant, but not painful.


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