Tuesday, April 30, 2024: What did you eat to celebrate GW's inauguration as first US Pres in 1789?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
We had Royal Farm fried chicken and homemade cafeteria noodles with bread slathered with apple butter. Watermelon for dessert.

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I breaded some Haddock earlier, prepped some Brussels, am just sitting here trying to catch up on missing most of the day here.

It is now 7:52 pm... Will the dragn cook? Will she just vacate to the TV? Perhaps she'll read before bed? Who knows! but she thinks she'll definitely have another glass of wine no matter what.
Yup, I had to look up Cafeteria Noodles too taxy. Seems to be noodles prepared with a cream soup - sounds very, very yummy. Had never heard of them before but there certainly lots of recipes out there!
Thanks Kathleen, for introducing me!
SO was complaining about my burgers. Said they were not cooked enough and she wanted them thinner. So I made smash burgers. I put a griddle on the gas grill and she watched every move I made to make sure she got what she wanted. Thy were thin, well done and topped with melted cheese. She said she liked them.
Momma used to make them. The basic recipe is this: a pound of dried noodles, 48 ounces of broth (or water with bouillon,) a can of cream soup, half of a stick of butter. Bring all but the noodles to a boil. Add the dry noodles and simmer for 2 or 3 minutes. Be sure the liquid covers the noodles. Turn off the heat and cover for 10 minutes. Stir again before serving. Add a bit of water if you think it is too dry. Salt and pepper to taste. A sprinkle of parsley, if you feel fancy, is also nice.

This recipe can be changed about a lot. Momma made these noodles with beef broth, cream of mushroom soup, and leftover roast. I like to use cream of mushroom soup, a mix of veggie and chicken broths (BTB) and add leftover rotisserie chicken. A very easy chicken and noodles.

For today, I used cream of chicken soup and added some diced carrots and made it a side dish. It reheats well in the microwave and is all made in one pot.

Mom always found a way to use what we had.
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Today (Tuesday) might have been our last "soup day" before warm weather moves in for the next six months. I had all the fixings for a pot of Italian sausage and white bean soup, so that's what we had - with homemade bread. There's about a quart left. Do I save it for us, or give it to Loverly when I see her tomorrow. 🤔 Decisions, decisions...
I breaded some Haddock earlier, prepped some Brussels, am just sitting here trying to catch up on missing most of the day here.

It is now 7:52 pm... Will the dragn cook? Will she just vacate to the TV? Perhaps she'll read before bed? Who knows! but she thinks she'll definitely have another glass of wine no matter what.
I'm with ya on that one. (y)
I made a sandwich on whole wheat toast. There was salami, old cheddar, and lettuce and a couple of dolmas on the side. That was pretty good, but I was still a bit hungry. So, I tried to figure out what I would like. It was a scrambled egg. That hit the spot. And there was a glass of white wine to go with that. I lift my glass in the direction of Stirling's chair and toast him. Yes, I pretend he is there toasting me back.
When I first saw the "GW's," I thought G-Dubya (Bush). Then I saw the 1789. He was not born then... President Biden was merely a toddler at the time.**


** Just kidding, I like Joe Biden, and his age doesn't bother me at all.
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