2/17/2018 - Random Acts of Kindness Day Dinner

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My random act of kindness was making both meatloaf and hamburgers for DH as though he could ever have enough of those. He had bought me some smoked salmon as a treat and I needed to repay that kind favor. And it was delicious.

A big salad to follow.
I made a corned beef, cabbage and potatoes in my Instant Pot.
It's another beautiful afternoon so it's off to the new grill I go. :cool:

I have two beautiful dry brined rib eyes and a grill basket to be filled with marinated veggies.
I'm excited to see how the new grill does with one of our favorite meals.:chef:
Pan fried pork chops with toasted egg noodles and sautéed mushrooms and onions.

Though it is also National Cafe’ Au Lait Day, we did not partake.
Hmm, the only random acts I can think of today, is I brushed the cat, she loves her brush and removed shoes after coming in from outdoors Pretty standard, not sure if one needs to do something special to qualify.

The grocery had avocados 5/$5. I bought 3. They apply price reductions accordingly.

We had dinner early. Good day for grilling, as it was several days this week, except we were too busy celebrating other momentous events or something.

I made "Old ladies on the bus" -grilled chix breasts and thighs brushed with orange marmalade, lime juice and bbq sauce mix. I love the name of this recipe, as overheard by someone eavesdropping on old ladies riding the bus.

Dx made Cheryl J's Black Bean Corn Salad, ( could have swore it has black olives, which were added) and we had guac and chips too. M&M's for before and afters and a cuppa decaf.
I was a couch potato today, so my random act of kindness was to throw the tennis ball for psycho-poodle to fetch.

I am repurposing leftovers and fridge cleaning. So far, just an appetizer. I stuffed a couple of large jalapeños with leftover Cuban roast pork and queso fresca, dipped them in batter, and fried them.

I'm not sure what to make next.

It's another beautiful afternoon so it's off to the new grill I go. :cool:

I have two beautiful dry brined rib eyes and a grill basket to be filled with marinated veggies.
I'm excited to see how the new grill does with one of our favorite meals.:chef:

One happy Barbeque Queen here...with apologies to ABBA...
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Looks delish, Kayelle.

My "act of kindness" was purposeful. I grocery shopped. I had to replenish the supplies since I was down to <pint of milk, a couple T of half-and-half, and a pound of Brussels sprouts. And condiments. Need to feed Himself more than mustard-basted Brussels sprouts.

Tonight's dinner was baked pollock fillets with a seasoned cracker topping. Sadly, I could not get the seasonings to look like a Jackson Pollock painting. Sides were a bonus buy of Stouffer's mac and cheese and sauteed zucchini. Also made salad.


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Looks delish, Kayelle.

My "act of kindness" was purposeful. I grocery shopped. I had to replenish the supplies since I was down to <pint of milk, a couple T of half-and-half, and a pound of Brussels sprouts. And condiments. Need to feed Himself more than mustard-basted Brussels sprouts.

Tonight's dinner was baked pollock fillets with a seasoned cracker topping. Sadly, I could not get the seasonings to look like a Jackson Pollock painting. Sides were a bonus buy of Stouffer's mac and cheese and sauteed zucchini. Also made salad.

Next time, cook your food, get up on a ladder, and throw it at the plate. :LOL:

Wow, K-L, nice dinner! Looks perfect.

I really did an act of kindness yesterday. Well, actually 2 acts. I got into work early, and while I was waiting for a parking spot on 56th street, I let another guy who drove up after me take the first open spot because I knew he would probably have been late for his shift if he had to wait for another one to open up. You can wait upwards of a half hour or more on weekends for parking near my building.

My second act was letting the 4 to 12 guys go home early and covering for them, like around 9:30 ish, because of the snowstorm.

Then I had a ham and melted swiss cheese sandwich with dijon mustard, and a bag of baked Lay's chips for dinner.
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Did the grocery shopping for the week and went to a wonderful meat market to find something and discovered they stock Silva's (San Jose, CA) Linguisa.. I was thrilled as linguisa is hard to find around here and certainly not our favorite brand..

So... Took that linguisa home and made chili beans paired with corn bread, topped with onions, shredded cheese and a dab of sour cream..
Warm food for a drizzly day..

Brownies for dessert..

Had my sister over for dinner last night and told her I would make her some chicken parm..but..some lady came in the deli and bought every fresh chicken breast we had before we closed so I ended up making bistecca bolognese....duck fat potatoes and green beans
Corned beef, cabbage and potatoes (not a great picture).

I went to a clothing swap party last night, so I guess my RAK was to clear out a lot of work clothing from my closets and make it available to younger professional women. I got some utterly comfortable and pretty LuLaRoe tops and leggings in exchange.

I brought a dip made with puréed mixed berries, plain Greek yogurt and a splash of Frangelico, with Girl Scout Trefoils for dipping. DH was on his own.
Good looking dinners Kay, CG and MsM! :yum:

I was super lazy yesterday and ordered out for ravioli and chicken wings. The roasted wings were good, but the ravioli was meh....a little on the tough side.

I have some asparagus, broccoli, and various colored bells that need used, so the plan is to get busy prepping them soon and make a veggie medley for this afternoon.
I went to a clothing swap party last night, so I guess my RAK was to clear out a lot of work clothing from my closets and make it available to younger professional women. I got some utterly comfortable and pretty LuLaRoe tops and leggings in exchange.

I brought a dip made with puréed mixed berries, plain Greek yogurt and a splash of Frangelico, with Girl Scout Trefoils for dipping. DH was on his own.

LuLaRoe leggings are SO comfy! My daughter gave me some really cute ones recently. For me, they are strictly for in-home lounging around since they are rather, um, form fitting ;):) and I love how soft they are.

The clothing swap party sounds like fun!
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