A Milestone with our Grandkids Today

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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
It is hard to believe that our oldest grandson Andrew started high school today (all honors classes) and our granddaughter Hannah started middle school today. The "baby" still has a year before starting preschool.


  • Andrew's first day of high school.jpg
    Andrew's first day of high school.jpg
    30.4 KB · Views: 205
  • Hannah's first day of middle school.jpg
    Hannah's first day of middle school.jpg
    40.1 KB · Views: 215
Barbara: What a handsome Gent & adorable Lady


Thanks so much for posting the photos of Andrew & Hannah.

He is quite handsome and Hannah is adorable. I remember when I first joined D.C. in January 2012, and you utilised Hannah´s photo as an Avatar. She has grown up considerably ... I believe you mentioned she was about 10 in that photo and resembled your daughter very much at the same age.

Have a wonderful August and Labor Day Holiday.
All my best.
Margi. :yum:
Thank you Margi. Yes, that was Hannah in my avatar, and yes she looks a lot like her mom and my mom as well. She was probably about seven or eight in that picture, and she is now eleven. They are both growing so fast, although Hannah is a teeny thing. Andrew is taller than me and Hannah is catching up to me. :cool:
I am sure you are so proud of 'em you are about to bust! I would be!
They sure do grow up in a hurry.
Yes they do! I'm still in shock that my daughter is about to turn 33! It doesn't seem that long ago that she was their ages!
Barbara L said:
Thank you Chopper. I agree! :cool:

Grammy is my favorite title! I wonder if I will just be Gram when my grandkids are the age of yours? ;).
Grammy is my favorite title! I wonder if I will just be Gram when my grandkids are the age of yours? ;).
LOL I am Grandma! Grandma Barbara to be exact, since they also have a Grandma Mari and Grandma Vickie! I am grandma to all three of the kids, Mari is grandma to the oldest two, and Vickie is grandma to the youngest, but she treats all three equally as her grandkids, which is great. :cool:
Barbara L said:
LOL I am Grandma! Grandma Barbara to be exact, since they also have a Grandma Mari and Grandma Vickie! I am grandma to all three of the kids, Mari is grandma to the oldest two, and Vickie is grandma to the youngest, but she treats all three equally as her grandkids, which is great. :cool:

I don't understand people who wouldn't treat them all the same, but I know they are out there. So glad they have three Grandma's to love them.
Thanks Kylie and BT!

I don't understand people who wouldn't treat them all the same, but I know they are out there. So glad they have three Grandma's to love them.
The oldest kids' grandma is actually not a bad person, but her son (my daughter's ex) won't have anything to do with the youngest (understandable on a certain level, but not to the extent he takes it). Hopefully the youngest won't get confused as he gets older and notices that he isn't included when the older two go over to their dad's, but if he does, he will probably also notice that they are much happier to be at home with their mom and stepdad (the youngest's dad).

Their other grandma (my son-in-law's mom) takes all of them camping and to the Wild Animal Park and other great places and treats everyone equally, which I am so thankful for.
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