Anyone ever hear of a Vacuum Pot for coffee?

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Executive Chef
Aug 25, 2004
USA, Oklahoma
I saw it mentioned on Modern Marvels last night. It's a rather old concept, was knocked out in favor of percolators, but is starting to make a comeback. Supposedly, the product of the vacuum pot is far superior to a percolator.

The decanter for my drip-coffee maker is broken, and I'm reduced to drinking instant :mad: If a Vacuum pot is affordable, I might get one.
I saw that Modern Marvels too. I have seen those vacuum pots, but have never known anyone who has used one. The last time I saw them (a number of years ago) they were very expensive. I think they were around $200-$300. Maybe you can find them at a better price now though.
I had one many years ago.

You've probably seen pictures of them. There is a glass decanter on the bottom and a separate glass globe that fits on top of the decanter with an air tight seal between. There is a glass tube that extends down from the galss globe into the decanter.

You put water in the decanter and coffee in the globe, connect the two pieces and put it on the burner. As the water heats, pressure builds in the bottom decanter and forces the hot water up into the top globe through the tube, where it mixes with the coffee. When all the water has moved from the bottom to the top, you turn off the burner. As the pot cools, pressure in the bottom container drops, drawing the coffee back in.

You separate the two pieces and serve the coffee.

I can't say that the coffee brewed in that contraption was any better or worse than what I brew now.

Here are some:
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