Indian dish, using the Instant Pot for 3 parts of the dish, adding them one after the other.

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
This is sort of based on chole masala, but this uses a different type of chickpea than the traditional, and has kale, butternut, and some dried long beans added. The green chickpeas take a long time to cook - even after the multiple pressure cookings they were still whole, and falling apart!

I made a one dish meal (nutritionally speaking - still used the stovetop, too) tonight, using that chole masala powder I made a little while back. I used about 1¼ c of the hara chana, a.k.a. green chickpeas, which take a long time to cook, like brown chickpeas. I pressure cooked them in the Instant Pot with some soda and salt, for 70 minutes, then after the pressure released about 20 minutes, I drained it, and put it back in the IP, with a little less than a cup of spelt (just emptied the two jars of these ingredients), a cup of dried long beans (cut about 1" long, before dehydrating), 4 c of water, salt to taste (about 2 tsp), a tb of that chole masala powder, and let it pressure cook another 25 min, then released the pressure after 10 min.

While those were cooking, I cleaned and cut up about 5 or 6 c of kale, from the hydroponics, and chopped up 1 onion, and minced about a tb each of ginger and garlic. In a sauté pan I cooked the chopped onion in 2 tb ghee, about 3 minutes over medium heat, then added the garlic and ginger, along with another 2 tb of the chole masala powder, and stirred a minute, then added the wet kale, and stirred until wilted. Then I reduced to low, covered, and went to the IP, and added a butternut squash I had cut up (about 2 cups), the seasoned kale, covered the IP, and set to cook for 5 min., then released pressure after 10 minutes. Then I stirred in 1 tsp. garam masala, and let rest while I made the tarka, starting with 2 tsp ghee and 3/4 tsp each mustard seed and cumin seed (I usually add whole Thai peppers here, but I'll be sharing this with someone who doesn't have much heat tolerance), over med-low heat. When the mustard seed started crackling, I added about a dozen curry leaves and 3/4 tsp asafoetida, and stirred about 10 sec, then scraped the tempering into the pot, and stirred it into the dish. Then I stirred about 1/4 c chopped cilantro into the dish.
Onion, ginger, and garlic, cooked in oil, with the chole masala powder added briefly, before adding kale. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About 5 c of chopped kale, added to be cooked down. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Cooked down kale and seasonings, ready to be added to the cooked chick peas and spelt, when finished by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Butternut squash, cut up and added for the last cooking. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Getting ready to stir the tarka in, made with some mustard seed, cumin seed, curry leaves, and asafoetida. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished dish, topped with some cilantro. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
@pepperhead212 We like one pot meals for our hot meal of the day. We both feel more satisfied with something hot either for lunch or for dinner besides something hot grain/oatmeal/fruit in the mornings. Many of your dishes are hot one pot meals and I like that. The only exceptions are our full meal sized salads and the hot days in summer when we find something cold to eat.

Your dish looks delicious. Was the spelt a whole grain, hulled or polished, or cut? I haven't tried using spelt yet. I haven't seen a green chick pea in stores around here either. Where do you get them?
@blissful That is whole grain spelt - doesn't absorb as much liquid as other whole wheat berries, but still takes as long to cook, and longer than kamut. I sometimes use these in salads, in the summer, in combination with chana dal - a dal that stays firm longer.

The green chickpeas I get in Indian markets, around here - not something that would be found in a supermarket. I get all my legumes at the Indian market, except pintos and black beans, and maybe great northern.
thank you @pepperhead212 I'll look for spelt. There is an indian market I've never been to, about 30 minutes from here. I might be able to drag mr bliss there to check out what they have. Azure Standard has spelt for $2/lb.
Could have used this recipe a few days ago. I just picked all my kale (and gave it away) as I had to make room in the garden for other stuff . Also still have a few leftover butternut squash from last year. Looks great.
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