Wednesday, what did you have to celebrate the end of January, 2024?

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
Last night, I made a dill leaf curry, with some butternut and sweet potato, and some greens - some of those hydroponics greens, from a few days ago. The butternut was not the most ripe, as I picked it green, back in November!

I started it in the Instant Pot, sautéeing a diced onion and about a tb of minced green Thai peppers, a few minutes, then I added about a tb of garlic and ginger, and cooked about a minute, then added about 3 c diced butternut, and 1 c diced sweet potato, 1 c chana dal, soaked about 30 minutes, 3/4 tsp turmeric, and 3 c water. I added about 1 tsp salt (more later), then set on MANUAL for 15 min, then let it release naturally. While that was cooking, I cut up the kale and bok choy greens, then steamed it with just the water on the leaves, then blended the cooled leaves with about a half cup of dill leaves, until almost smooth.

When the butternut was finished, I removed the lid, then stick blended the mix until all the cubes were gone, leaving some of the dal, for texture. Then I added the greens/dill, and let it simmer, while I prepared the tarka. I heated 2 tsp oil, and added 3/4 tsp each mustard seed and cumin. When it started crackling, I added 3 byadagi chilis, broken in half, cooked a few more seconds, added a dozen curry leaves, cut in half, and 3/4 tsp asafoetida, cooked about 10 seconds longer, then scraped this into the curry, then added a little more salt. I simmered it about 3 minutes longer, then served, with a WW bread stick, halved both ways, and held briefly over a gas burner.
The butternut, sweet potato, and chana dal, pressure cooked 15 minutes.. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The cubes and dal, stick blended, ready to stir the greens and dill purée in. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A good amount of Russian kale and bok choy greens, ready to steam. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Greens, steamed down to about a cup, ready to blend together with the dill. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

About a half cup of dill leaves, to blend with the greens. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Green purée stirred in, and now the tarka added, to simmer about 3 minutes longer. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished curry,, with a WW bread stick, cut into quarters. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Had at least 4 extra bowls of it, for leftovers.
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Yesterday I grazed on leftovers all day. Good timing, as now I can cook something new for February first.

I made a Cheesy Tuna Pasta Bake (with 7 vegetables included!) yesterday, and had the leftovers today for lunch at work.
I didn't realize the end of the month is a cause for celebration.

Leftover Italian salad and some tuna from the can. Chocolate almonds.
I didn't realize the end of the month is a cause for celebration.
Don't know about your area, but the weather here was pretty miserable most of the month. Very little sunlight, and rain much of the time. I will say, the water deficit we've had, for about 2 years, was totally erased, STS, but all this is spoken from a gardener - others may not think about it like this.
Don't know about your area, but the weather here was pretty miserable most of the month. Very little sunlight, and rain much of the time. I will say, the water deficit we've had, for about 2 years, was totally erased, STS, but all this is spoken from a gardener - others may not think about it like this.
It was cold and we had piles of snow which is medium okay, and dreary sun-less skies a lot, which wears on us. We can't hike or spend time in the backyard (besides shoveling). We weren't getting enough daylight!
I'm glad it is FEBRUARY, woo hoo! And we have sun today.
I had sun today, too! One of the weathermen made a reference to this lack of sunlight today, when he said something like "There was this aura in the sky on my way to work today, and I was trying to figure out what could be doing that, and then I remembered...A SUNRISE! It had been so long since we had one, I almost forgot about it!" :LOL:
I had sun today, too! One of the weathermen made a reference to this lack of sunlight today, when he said something like "There was this aura in the sky on my way to work today, and I was trying to figure out what could be doing that, and then I remembered...A SUNRISE! It had been so long since we had one, I almost forgot about it!" :LOL:
And last night about 10 pm-ish I saw the moon rising, and it was RED. I hadn't seen the moon in many moons. :LOL:
This week has been sunny and 70s, which is warmer than average for this time of year. It has been wonderful. The same is expected for tomorrow, but a lot of rain is rolling in from the West Friday night. Next week is supposed to be more normal, with highs in the low 60s.


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