Master Chef
So is anyone else making chili, or just Maragitas? 
I have some chili cooking - already smelling fantastic! I can't call it Texas chili, since it will have some beans in it, but it's the same style.
I made some chili today, but no Margaritas - maybe if I had someone to help me with the drinking, too.
Here's the update, after I finished it. I got a lb each of ground beef and venison from the freezer, and thawed it most of the way in the microwave. I browned the beef first, then the venison, which doesn't brown as well, due to very little fat. Meanwhile, I cut up a large onion, and started that sautéeing in the Instant Pot until golden, then added a tb of minced garlic, the green chiles, a tsp of Mexican oregano, a tsp of ground cumin, and a half tsp of ground coriander, plus all the chili powders, stirred 30 seconds or so, then added the tomato paste, (which was 1½ oz dried tomatoes, soaked, then blended, with 2 toasted tortillas) and some water, then hit OFF. Then I mixed the browned meats together in the sauté pan, deglazed the pan, and added all that to the Instant Pot. Mixed that, added a little more water, added a little salt (more later, since I didn't know how much those pintos would add), then set it to Slow Cook/high, and let it simmer about 2 hours. Then I added the large can of rinsed pintos, and simmered another 45 min. Served with some monterey jack, and a couple flame toasted corn tortillas.
Venison on L, beef on R, browned separately, ready to add to the Instant Pot, and deglaze the pan. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Four different chili powders, plus a tb of sweet paprika. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Onion and garlic, cooked in EVOO, with the frozen green chilies, Mex oregano, Mex chocolate, cumin, coriander, tomatoes, and chili powder, added to the meat by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Everything in the chili except for the pintos, starting to simmer, on Slow cook "high". 29 oz can of pintos goes in later. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Rinsed and drained pintos, added to the chili, after simmering about 2 hours. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Pintos simmered about 45 minutes in the chili, ready to serve. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Finished chili, wit a couple of flame toasted tortillas, before topping with a little cheese. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I have some chili cooking - already smelling fantastic! I can't call it Texas chili, since it will have some beans in it, but it's the same style.
I made some chili today, but no Margaritas - maybe if I had someone to help me with the drinking, too.
Here's the update, after I finished it. I got a lb each of ground beef and venison from the freezer, and thawed it most of the way in the microwave. I browned the beef first, then the venison, which doesn't brown as well, due to very little fat. Meanwhile, I cut up a large onion, and started that sautéeing in the Instant Pot until golden, then added a tb of minced garlic, the green chiles, a tsp of Mexican oregano, a tsp of ground cumin, and a half tsp of ground coriander, plus all the chili powders, stirred 30 seconds or so, then added the tomato paste, (which was 1½ oz dried tomatoes, soaked, then blended, with 2 toasted tortillas) and some water, then hit OFF. Then I mixed the browned meats together in the sauté pan, deglazed the pan, and added all that to the Instant Pot. Mixed that, added a little more water, added a little salt (more later, since I didn't know how much those pintos would add), then set it to Slow Cook/high, and let it simmer about 2 hours. Then I added the large can of rinsed pintos, and simmered another 45 min. Served with some monterey jack, and a couple flame toasted corn tortillas.

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