Anyone have Dinner Plans? Sunday June 17

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I know there is a Father's day thread and most people are putting their meals there. This is the first Father's day without my Dad and my FIL is out of town. So, it is just us. I am making chicken cacciatore with rice and steam fried veggies.

Dessert will be coconut coffee ice cream if I can find my coffee maker to brew some! It's somewhere the storage room....along with 50,000 other things. Oh yeah, the ice cream maker is there too :wacko:.
I see a dinner thread got started.

Tonight will be Meatloaf with a baked potato and broccoli...I can't remember the dessert.
Mixed green salad, ribs, jumbo breaded shrimp, corn on the cob, mustard potato salad, cold mac salad, grilled peach shortcakes with vanilla ice cream.
I'll put my supper plans here, since they don't involve any fathers, unless Stirling being daddy to a cat counts.

I knew I wanted steak for supper when I went shopping. The filet mignon looked okay, but I'm thinking of getting an entire filet at Costco, so it didn't seem ideal.

The rib steaks had big chunks of fat. The striploin looked really good, nicely marbled with no big chunks of fat and a nice dark colour. They were cheaper/kg that the rib steaks! So, guess what I bought. I'll be making either Steak Diane or Steak au poivre. Salad to go with that, maybe a homemade blue cheese dressing. Oh yeah, and organic baby potatoes! Should I boil them or roast them in the toaster oven?
Did my trial run on the Egg. Dinner was Baby back ribs, potato salad and baked beans. Dessert to be determined.
It's hot here, I don't feel like heating up the kitchen, so I went out to the "produce section" and grabbed the makings for a garden salad--a few baby beets to grate, the greens to add to the lettuce, a green onion, and some pea pods! I've got a tomato, some green pepper, some cheese, and almonds. I might add grated apple. I'll dress it with EVOO and cider vinegar, S&P.
Dinner plans are happening NOW....a salad of: mixed greens, red & green peppers, onion, mozzarella cheese, basil and oregano from the garden with oil / vinegar dressing AND some of my leftover fried rice from last night's dinner. Just me and one...two .. me and two dogs tonight having dinner.
Tonight was shrimp steamed over cider vinegar & water, sprinkled with a little old bay. Horseradish & ketchup along with more old bay and a touch of salt to dip them in. :yum:
I got lazy so that's all. ;)

I was suprised to find out my cats don't like shrimp. :ermm:
But that's okay because it's just more for me. :clap:
I'll put my supper plans here, since they don't involve any fathers, unless Stirling being daddy to a cat counts.

I knew I wanted steak for supper when I went shopping. The filet mignon looked okay, but I'm thinking of getting an entire filet at Costco, so it didn't seem ideal.

The rib steaks had big chunks of fat. The striploin looked really good, nicely marbled with no big chunks of fat and a nice dark colour. They were cheaper/kg that the rib steaks! So, guess what I bought. I'll be making either Steak Diane or Steak au poivre. Salad to go with that, maybe a homemade blue cheese dressing. Oh yeah, and organic baby potatoes! Should I boil them or roast them in the toaster oven?
I made the steak au poivre. It was yummy. Unfortunately Stirling's steak turned out medium rare. He likes well done. I swear I cooked his three times as long as I cooked mine. I stopped cooking it when stuff on the pan looked black. I didn't want to lose all that good fond. The finger test said that it was well done, with maybe one small area less cooked (it was a bit thicker there). Mine was blue, which suits me just fine.

I had to peel the baby potatoes, 'cause the fools who grow them package them in clear plastic, so the peels had a very greenish tinge. Oh well, they were still good. I provided sour cream, butter, and chives to go with the potatoes. The salad was good, but it was an ordinary garlic vinaigrette. I forgot that I had finished off the blue cheese. That's gotta go on the shopping list.

We had Royale de Neuville (a lovely, French, sparkling rosé) with the supper and fresh cherries for dessert.
Tonight was shrimp steamed over cider vinegar & water, sprinkled with a little old bay. Horseradish & ketchup along with more old bay and a touch of salt to dip them in. :yum:
I got lazy so that's all. ;)

I was suprised to find out my cats don't like shrimp. :ermm:
But that's okay because it's just more for me. :clap:

your cats probably don't like spiced shrimp. try again, plainly steamed.
they still may not like it that day because they're cats. try again next week.

or, they may just be pissed off because you flipped peas into their water bowls...

our dinner tonight was great. we went to a local steakhouse and pigged out.

we started with crab stuffed mushrooms, then we got salads from the salad petri bar :cool:,. i loaded up on spinach, beets, onions, hot and sweet peppers, and pate on raisin bread.,
for entrees, my boy had filet mignon, dw had potato crusted salmon, and i had a massive, 20 oz. boneless hunk o'prime rib, extra au jus and grated horseradish.

for dessert, we shared a huge piece of 7 layer cake.

service was ok, but the food was great. i can't believe i ate that much meat. i think i'm ready for the 72oz "big texan".
The whole fam damily went to a Chinese/Thai/etc. place, and we had chicken satay, potstickers, and various entrees, all very tasty. Even my mom, who can't taste anything due to her meds, enjoyed her sweet and ginger shrimp and scallops.

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