BBQ Beans

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Executive Chef
Jun 3, 2004
BBQ Beans

2-16 oz cans Bush Baked Beans drained
¾ cup BBQ Sauce
¼ cup chopped onion
¼ cup chopped green onion
1 cup chopped smoked meat
2 tbs honey
¾ tsp paprica
¼ shp dry mustard
1 tbs bbq rub
1 tbs Horseradish

combine, fold together

Place in smoker at 225 – 275 under a butt, brisket or ribs until hot (90 min
Is the bbq rub you use in the beans the Jim Goode Recipe you posted earlier or have you got a special secret rub?

Can Kidney beans or cannelini beans be used?

You've certainly posted some absolute PEARLER recipes. Great stuff
Much appreciated.
Thank you.
Use any rub you like, and I'm sure the beans could be swapped as well.

Try it and let us know the results.

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