Best kid friendly dog?

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Oooooh I love Corgis one of my favourite dogs... however the one I knew personally was a bit aloof and didn't have much tolerance with small children... but then again it could depend on individuals...
Raise a Corgi with kids and they'll love kids.

I must stress, though, that Pembrokes are great kid dogs. Cardigans are more aloof and are not people dogs.

We called Wickett, the dog above and below, the People Puppy. She loved everyone, even those that came to our bookstore for the first time.


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Ah, that explains, Phinz... Casey, my ex neighbour's Corgi was Cardigan, not Pembroke! Wickett is a beauty!!
Labs are truly wonderful. We have a lab mix (not sure what the other half is)...but if you want a smaller dog, I'd say a cocker spaniel. One of the sweetest dogs I ever had was a pure bred cocker spaniel. I don't ever remember her growling...she never knew how to bite...she was so smart, loving, obedient. Presently, in addition to our lab mix, we have a blue heeler/cocker spaniel mix. She's very sweet, too.
urmaniac13 said:
Ah, that explains, Phinz... Casey, my ex neighbour's Corgi was Cardigan, not Pembroke! Wickett is a beauty!!
She was one of the two greatest dogs I have ever had the pleasure of being the guardian for. We lost her and Shelby, the two greatest dogs I've ever had as companions, within a year of each other. Both to Lymphosarcoma. I lost two of my best friends that year.

I want another Corgi, but right now I have Dumb and Dumber (Sparky and Dixie) and really can't have another little dog.


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Phinz!! I hope Sparky and Dixie will never overhear what you are saying about them!! Oh come on, you really don't mean that do you, they are also adorable!! Every dog is special in their own way...

Sorry to hear about Wickett and Shelby... that is one drawback of having a pet... they must have been wonderful companions, but you also gave them a full happy life... they will always stay with you in a special place in your heart..
My daughter's Crogi is the most hyper dog I have ever known. He's friendly and gentle but cannot sit still or shut up. I'm assuming this is an individual personality rather than an indication of the entire breed.
Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade Sparky and Dixie for anything. They're both wonderful dogs, but we call them our special children. Dixie really is mentally not all there. She wasn't breathing when born and had to be given mouth-to-mouth, so we're sure there's a little brain damage there. Sparky has the stupidest aggression issues when it comes to Dixie. It's like this:

"I just got stepped on by momma and yelped. I think I'll bite Dixie," and then 10 minutes later it's "Dixie just got stepped on by momma and yelped. I think I'll bite Dixie." It's asinine sometimes. Dixie can't play and bark or Sparky will bite her or horn in on the playing. We literally have to make Sparky stay on the porch if we want to play with Dixie. If somebody comes to the door and Sparky barks, Dixie will bark too. Sparky in turn will start barking at and biting at Dixie. This makes Dixie get mad and they get into a fight. It's because of Sparky's issues that we can't have another small dog. She'd ruin it. Dixie's grown up with it and just fights back when she gets irritated with it.

The truly silly part about it? Dixie is the dominant dog. It's almost comical. Most of the time they hang out together like two velcro doggies, and Sparky always wants to know where Dixie is.

And Corgis are very sensitive to environment, Andy. They can be like that because of the environment. While Wickett was alive I never met a child that didn't *adore* her, though. My nieces used to say "I want the orange dog to sleep with us" and Wickett ate it up.
Well Phinz... you got Moe and Curly now, you could get Larry to make it complete!!:LOL: :LOL: Just kidding... I think you are are just fine with Sparky and Dixie for the time being!! They surely keep you busy enough:-p
I had a Border Collie and my ex used to do Day Care from our home. The Border Collie would gently 'herd' the children from one corner of the yard to another, then later move them to another corner, only to move them again a little later. It was SO funny...

I think there are many dogs that would make good 'kid friendly' dogs. I'm in agreement with much that has been said here already... I love the lab/shepherd mixes and I have also had good experiences with Corgi's. Very sweet animal... but, just like humans, so much depends on individual differences combined with their environment. Raise him (or her) with love and you'll get plenty back.

Enjoy :)
The Z said:
I had a Border Collie and my ex used to do Day Care from our home. The Border Collie would gently 'herd' the children from one corner of the yard to another, then later move them to another corner, only to move them again a little later. It was SO funny...

I think there are many dogs that would make good 'kid friendly' dogs. I'm in agreement with much that has been said here already... I love the lab/shepherd mixes and I have also had good experiences with Corgi's. Very sweet animal... but, just like humans, so much depends on individual differences combined with their environment. Raise him (or her) with love and you'll get plenty back.

Enjoy :)

Corgi's are so adorable. A lady that works at an antique store here in town raises them. The one of hers I love is called "Opy". They are sweet dogs.
My Maggie Dog was supposedly part border collie, and she did the same thing with our little boy, and with children that came in the greenhouse.
I'll never forget, one day, this little boy was eating an ice cream cone. He was about the same height as she, and she just lapped the ice cream right off the cone. The kid started squalling, but I always kept a big jar of suckers for "good little boys and girls", and that pacified him.
mish said:
SIZZLIN............ Welcome back!:)

I think you just described the temperament of my ideal mate. :ROFLMAO: If he's single & human, will you give him my # :LOL:

I would probably go to the shelter with your little one & see which puppy you all fall in love with. My friend had the most loving, adorable, quiet, long hair, thick coat, dog. Can't think of the name right now. (Big help, right.) She wasn't a small dog, but you couldn't help fall in love with her. She always sat next to me, followed me around, and if I stopped petting her, she would put her paw on my knee. (Got a little monotonous after a while, lol, but what a smart, cutie.) I wish I could think of the breed. Her name was Miko. :)

Here are a few links I hope will help.

:ROFLMAO: if I find one you willing to pay the adoption fees? You know that he may or may come neutered:LOL:
Bring your kids up starting with a puppy (I actually prefer rescue dogs, but you can get rescue puppies sometimes) and it won't matter how big the dog gets because they'll be able to grow with the dog and it won't scare them.

Ever thought about a German Shepherd Dog or a mix of one? Smart, easily trained, protective of the family and a lot of fun.

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