Best treats for trick or treaters

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
Halloween is coming up and I've been wondering about changing up the treats we usually have at the door. Historically we've had a large bin of tootsie pops for the mod as they seem to be better than those tiny penny-style candies but not so delicious that we eat them in advance.

It's time for a change and so yesterday when was cruising the isles at costco I came on a box of rice krispy treats prepackaged for lunch boxes - 54 for about 9 bucks. More expensive than the suckers but maybe a nice change.

What do you do for the neighborhood kids? Any great ideas?
For the past few years, we've been buying a huge bag (around 150 pieces) of fun size candies such as Snickers, KitKat, Reeses, etc. at Costco. When that candy is gone, we turn off the porch light and we're done. Most years we run out of candy before we run out of kids.
We don't get that many anymore. I think it's the streets fault.
It's all dark and scary until the street lights come on.By then it's too late for most to be out at night.

When I was a kid a creepy looking street like mine was treated as a dare.
Fine! I'll go first.They always had the best candy.

We decide at the door who gets what.
Little ones come before dark.I always ask Mom first what they can have.
I make up goodie bags.Pumpkin shaped note pads/crayons/pencils.

The older ones get what Costco has on sale.

The rotten ones get what they deserve.
Since I left home in 1970, I have never had any trick or treaters because I have lived in a rural area, or now in a part of a small town where they do not visit.

But that does not stop me from buying candy, just in case :mrgreen:

Right now I have 2 bags of small sized candy bars; payday and snickers.
I have this bag of Habaneros in the fridge that I can't seem to use up. So I'm thinking maybe I'll hand them out for Halloween.

Hey, they're orange and kind of look like little pumpkins! :LOL:


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Steve Kroll, funny!
I give out bags of garlic bulbs to the neighbor parents. Candy for the kids.
I have this bag of Habaneros in the fridge that I can't seem to use up. So I'm thinking maybe I'll hand them out for Halloween.

Hey, they're orange and kind of look like little pumpkins! :LOL:

It's been great having you on this forum. If I'm ever out your way, I'll visit you in prison.
I've gotten to buying the cheapest I can find at Aldi, Janet. Back when we did do it up big, before I got jaded with the crowd our walk-able neighborhood draws from the rural town next door, we had great reactions from the kids when we gave snack bags of Utz pretzels. We could buy a 30-count bag for under $4 around by us.

With over 300 kids each year (374 per a neighbor last year - he clicker-counts each kid he gets; since he's only five doors up, safe to say that's what we get, too), I'd rather do the dinner-and-movie, too, Ross. Last year I talked Himself into leaving for our FL vacation on Halloween afternoon. Don't think I'll get away with that this year since we have an 11-10 check-in date. :neutral:

I have this bag of Habaneros in the fridge that I can't seem to use up. So I'm thinking maybe I'll hand them out for Halloween.

Hey, they're orange and kind of look like little pumpkins! :LOL:
Those are for the huge teenagers who, IMO, should give it up already. I figure if a boy doesn't have to use burnt cork to get a hobo beard, but grew it himself, he's a bit too old for trick-or-treating. :glare:
When I got too old for trick or treating, I took my dog out in costume. Problem is, everyone wanted to give him dog biscuits. :glare:

As a former trick or treating child, however, I can tell you that you will be the most popular person on your block if you decide to give out LARGE Hershey's candy bars, LARGE Sweettarts packages, and a couple of Pixie Stix, Wax Lips, and bubble gum. All to each child.

No need to thank me and if you decide to do such a thing, remind me to send you my address.
LOL Steve! :LOL:
We used to get around 80 or so little trick or treaters in my neighborhood, but the past several years there's been more organized Halloween activities at the park and the fairgrounds, so that door-to-door number has diminished greatly. I'm OK with that. :D I still feel it's my duty to buy a bag of candy, just in case...:LOL:

I hear those of you about the 'big' kids...that's one of the reasons I bring my lawn chair in from the porch and turn the light off once the sun goes down.
Casey, one year I actually gave out rocks to the kids on our street, along with real goodies. Polished rocks from the craft store, but still rocks. I still remember Alec turning to his mom, saying "I got a rock" and Juliet immediately breaking into laughter!

...As a former trick or treating child, however, I can tell you that you will be the most popular person on your block if you decide to give out LARGE Hershey's candy bars, LARGE Sweettarts packages, and a couple of Pixie Stix, Wax Lips, and bubble gum. All to each child....
Did you see how many kids WE get each year? I'd have to take a second mortga...well, a mortgage, since we've paid off our house. Of all those kids who will show up at our door this year, we will know exactly three. The three 11-and-under who live across the street. Every other little kid will be from some other neighborhood since all the kids who were little when we all first moved here have grown up, some are in college, and a couple have already gotten married! Since we know the kids from across the street, I'll have goodie bags made up just for them.
The idea of passing out rocks made me think of an older woman I worked with about thirty years ago.

The woman always bought inexpensive candy and gave each child that came to the door one small piece. As the evening went on and the bowl started to empty she would take a piece of candy in her hand then stick her hand in the kids bag and palm the piece of candy she was holding without letting it go. I always thought that was evil and could never understand why she didn't just turn the lights off and watch TV. :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
It's looking like we'll be in Michigan visiting my in-laws during Halloween. I'll have our neighbor whose daughter takes care of the cats leave the porch light off that night. We usually get a couple hundred kids in our neighborhood.

I have no idea how many trick-or-treaters my in-laws get, if any. They live year-round at a lake with primarily summer homes around it.
I have this bag of Habaneros in the fridge that I can't seem to use up. So I'm thinking maybe I'll hand them out for Halloween.

Hey, they're orange and kind of look like little pumpkins! :LOL:

When I was in High School (too old for T or T) we would get together and watch the horror movie marathons at someone's house. The year we went to one kids house (no parents and some herb might have been involved) he ran out of candy (could have been the "munchies"). He decided that bufo marinus would make a great substitute.:ohmy: Needless to say, that the parents disagreed.:mad: Time for the rest of us to "Keep on Truckin".

Oh, the memories.



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