Brandy Alexander

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
This is very nice with a cup of coffee after supper.

Put the following in the top of a cocktail shaker or in a glass:

1 part brandy
1 part crème de cacao
2 parts cream*

*The heavier the cream, the richer this tastes. I like to use ~3/4 40% cream and 1/4 10% cream

Put ice cubes in the cocktail shaker.

Pour the liquids into the shaker.
Put the top on the shaker.
Shake. It should be shaken enough to be foamy.
Strain the Brandy Alexander into glasses.

A chocolate curl makes a lovely garnish.
Ooo taxy, that looks good! Haven't had one of those in a while. Hmm, alcohol warms me, I've been cold for two days (don't feel sick so I might have died and forgot to lay down...) so I just might mix that tonight if we have everything. Thanks for supporting my habit! :LOL:
Wonderful treat!

We used to make them with vanilla ice cream instead of the heavy cream and ice cubes, sort of an adult milkshake! :yum:

You can have a wonderful time dreaming up tasty combinations of various liqueurs and ice cream flavors! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
Wonderful treat!

We used to make them with vanilla ice cream instead of the heavy cream and ice cubes, sort of an adult milkshake! :yum:

You can have a wonderful time dreaming up tasty combinations of various liqueurs and ice cream flavors! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
That's a great idea. I seldom have ice cream in the house. It's very hard, here, to find any that isn't full of weird additives.
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