Broken Rib..ouchie!

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Master Chef
Oct 17, 2004
Southern Illiniois
Well, friends, Mrs. Graceful has hit the floor again. I took a really hard fall week before last and cracked a rib. Then last night, I coughed real hard and heard something snap...guess the rib went ahead and broke. It hurts like the devil, and I have a cake to bake tonight, and a big cook-out scheduled for tomorrow.
I figured there's no point in going to the doctor, as they don't do anything but give you a rib brace anyway, and I already have a stainless steel chair-back brace.

I guess I need a little cheese to go with my whine. :(
Ouch! That's gotta smart!

(well, it wasn't smart, but, oh, maybe I should have just said hurt)

I can't imagine what that must feel like. I would have thought a trip to the doc would have been good incase it is not properly aligned to heal, but maybe that's not a concern. I'm no medical expert.

Hope you feel better and heal quickly, and wish you the best in getting through the course of events you have forthcoming!
And a very gentle hug. Feel better soon and take care.
Hey, you're entitled to a whine - that hurts like heck! If you start having trouble breathing, please see a doctor, though.

Last fall (an appropriately named season) I fell in the creek and broke two ribs (in my back). A month later, just as it was feeling better, I fell down the steps and chipped my shoulder blade. I used a cane for a while, just to make sure I was steady. (My kids made fun of me and called me 'Granny')

Hope you get to feeling better real soon!

I know how bad those hurt from first-hand experience!

Hope you heal up quick!

Thank you, dear people.

Gayle, I've fallen a lot, and seldom get hurt, other than skinned knees or such, because I know how to fall. I just kind of crumble into a ball and go with it. I've found that do all those gyrations trying not to fall can do more harm than actually going down.
But this one took me by surprise. I was sitting on a kitchen stool, had a bad spell, and hit the floor on my right side. When I came to, I heard Kims voice telling me not too move, as he picked the stool up off me.

Then, just to add insult to injury, in the wee hours of the next morning, I got up to go to the bathroom, and got my poor neurpathetic foot hung up in a quilt and went down on the berber carpet face first. This time, I did a save, so I only had skinned knees and elbows, some bruises, and a couple of lumps.

By the way, people call me grandma and granny all the time. But then, I am one!


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Not to down play the injury, but I recall as a kid my brother and I picking on each other when we fell.

My brother trips.

Big Dog: "Walk much?"

Brother: "Nope. Prefer to fly!" :smartass:

I'm sorry to hear you've hurt yourself falling. Please rest and don't worry about that cake or the dinner..Things will work out...You just rest and take care of YOU!! I'm sending you a hug from me and hugs from the little guys, all gentle and Olivia sends you a kiss.

Falling! OUCH !

Take Care ! I fell last summer camping--over a fire pit (in the dark, no fire) metal kind- thank goodness for the few beers I had :ohmy:! When you have to cough hold yourself tight, like a hug - it helps, do baby coughs. But it does take time to heal unfortunately. Just go easy ! Barb L.
I'm so sorry. I remember how much it hurt to breathe and coughing was too painful.

Let people wait on you! I bet the cookout will go great but let the company know you'd do the same if the circumstances were reversed. :)
You cracked a rib from coughing? Didn't know that was possible! How awful, best of luck with your recovery.
Be careful not to do too much and end up with a punctured lung from that broken rib!!! Oh, and if people tease you about tripping or falling, tell them that heavy air is invisible!!
Please take care of yourself. Don't over do.I still have some pain from my hip replacement last Fall..but as some of the members who were on here at that time know I had to come home and be a caregiver to my DH. I didn't have the time to relax and heal. Even though I had almost 3 weeks in the rehab. hospital..They don't let you rest ! Dove
Connie, so sorry about your fall and the results. I won't hug you but will give you a pat on the back to help you remember to take it easy. I believe that my falls have contributed to my having arthritis, but the water exercises are really helping me to have better balance and be more agile. I've always been one to start everything at breakneck speed and am finding out that isn't very smart, so I suppose you can teach an old dog new tricks. Hope you will slow down a bit and be very careful.:)
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Oh no... poor poor Connie!!:ohmy:
I was one of those lucky ones who has never broken any bones in my life (though I have twisted my wobbly ankles just a few too many times than I care to remember... once I even did it while simply just walking... on a perfectly flat street with a pair of trainers on!... So I could well be your Ms. Graceful twin...), I can't imagine what kind of pain you must suffer!!

But do take it easy, and I really think you should have the rib looked at... you definitely don't want the broken anything to set incorrectly. And yes, make sure to eat plenty of cheese!!
Hope you will heal soon and feel better...
(((Hugs))) ... but not too hard...:-p

Sorry to hear about your accident. I hope it heals quickly and doesn't interfere too much with what you have to do.
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