Caperberries, how to?

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Sort of went with my own version.
Very good - company worthy.

Pounded the breast. It was huge - too big actually, over 1/2 lb. I chose to bread it with panko. Shouldn't have bothered as it was too big but I didn't listen to myself and went ahead and did it anyhow. (silly girl, one day she'll listen) For company I would NOT bread them.

Sliced and threw in the last 2 mushrooms, yum.
Made the sauce pretty much as they said but was too lazy to go to the basement to get a bottle of wine, just used broth. (I'm so lazy/boring now I don't drink anymore)

LOVED the caper-berries! They are milder than capers. Didn't rinse them. Strewed them across the plate.

They are soft - the young seeds are quite pale. Older ones are darker and are not soft. I prefer the soft ones. Only you cannot tell from the outside which will have pale ones and which darker.

I would serve them the same as olives, etc.


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Your dish looks better than the original, and I'd go with some mushrooms too.
I can't wait to find some of these lil darlin's.

Just happened to think they would be nice sliced on top of cream cheese crackers.
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Your dish looks better than the original, and I'd go with some mushrooms too. Thak You!
I can't wait to find some of these lil darlin's.

Just happened to think they would be nice sliced on top of cream cheese crackers.

hmmm cream cheese, smoked salmon, sweet onion, caper berry and a bagel

fantastic style... you could slice the berry to a fan shape.
I think I've posted this before, but the caper flower is quite attractive. I took this photo while touring a medieval walled village in Tuscany when we were there in 2005.


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