Cold day Easy smoke

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D. B. Cooper

Assistant Cook
Jan 16, 2024
Doing our weekly trip to play with our granddaughter tomorrow and I thought a pork loin and baked apples may travel well.

Normally I would stuff with goats cheese and spinach but not today. I did however give it a sear before going in the smoke.


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Looks wonderful D.B. Are those two tenderloins tied together? Or one pork loin split, stuffed and tied with the cheese and spinach after all.

Would that chicken be for tonight? -also looking very good!
Chicken and rice was indeed dinner, paired with a lemon grass water.

The two loins were just tied, seared and cooked indirect. It was too cold for pretty and the kids like it plain anyhow
Still confused - there is a difference between Pork Loin and Pork Tenderloin. ;)

In either case looks darn delicious! :D
Used to cook outside in winter all the time when it was just a step thru the patio door.
Still confused - there is a difference between Pork Loin and Pork Tenderloin. ;)

In either case looks darn delicious! :D
Used to cook outside in winter all the time when it was just a step thru the patio door.
pork loin.


pork tenderloin

The pork loin is from the rib area therefore can have the ribs attached and is larger where the tenderloin, a much smaller cut is attached to the iliopsoas muscle, basically the sirloin area and then is detached and is considerably more tender, like the beef fillet, tenderloin, fillet mignon. All animals that have a similar musculature will be similarly butchered. :)
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I just now pulled this off for the weekly visit.


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