Condolences to Dove, her beloved son John passed at 2:40 Nov 13/07

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Kevin and i went to see him this eve. They put a shunt or whatever they call it this morning. At least they don't have to keep sticking needles in his arm now.
He is running over 102 fever and feels terrible. He is so sick..he can't eat or even get Ensure down. Only water. I saw his dad go from 175 pounds to 80 pounds. that is all I can think of when he pushes his food aside...John is pretty good size..not an ounce of fat. He is about 200 and 6'2" tall.
Monday we will know more about all this..
Thank you all for your Prayers..they are needed so much now..again.
Love to all of you
Dearest Marge,

So sorry to hear the unfortunate news. Just know that those of us here at DC are your helpmates and shoulder when needed.

All you have to do is speak, ask or lean. We'll all be here. Lots of love and prayers are sent your way.

Be well. We love you.

Oh Marge I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are definetly sent your way.
I know how you must be struggling with grief and concern at the same time. I totally empathize with you. As you know my mom died in Jan. 2004 from cancer and then we were faced with dad having a stroke in October 2004 and finally a massive one in July 2005. I just couldn't believe I was being hit with 2 major things so closely together. I still can't believe I came through it all because there were times when I just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.
What got me through is knowing there is a reason for everything and even though I didn't know and still don't know....why God made me experience these two things.... I will know when its my time to join them.
What kept me going too was the love and support of my loved ones and friends and knowing that God never gives us more than we an handle.
So please try to find your way with dealing with this that will benefit you. And know that we are all here for you whenever you need us. We love you Marge and we're all here to help you in anyway we can!:(


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Marge, I'm so sorry you are having to face so many tough trials in your life. It is so hard and you can feel singled out. God won't put more on you than you can handle, but I remember thinking I can't take much more. About 4 years ago, my trials started with my father-in-law passing, 6 months later, my dad passed, 6 months after that my mom, and another several months after that I had to put my dog to sleep. It was not a fun time for me and I certainly understand your plight. I am praying for you dear, and if you ever need to talk or vent, you have a great family here!!!
Marge, I am absolutely speechless. Take care of yourself so you'll be able to help your son and I will continue with my prayers.

This is so sad.
Dear Marge, I can't find the words to say how sorry I am to read your news. I hope that the news from the hospital on Monday will be in your favour.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Dear Marge,
Even though I don't know you I feel the fear in your message. :( I will be praying for your son and the rest of your family. I don't know why troubles seems to come in like tidal waves but please do not let go of hope... or your faith to get you through whatever lies ahead.
This is a double whammy ! Kevin just said on the phone "Mom, why couldn't it have been me ? John has a family..this isn't fair".
Non stop tears here..loosing Paul was one of the hardest things I've (we) gone through and now this. John is in so much pain..don't know if it is caused by the quarter size shingles or what ever else is going on. We should know tomorrow what type and the results of the bone marrow they took from his hip. He can't keep anything food or even Ensure. When they start Chemo he is going to be sooo sick. they plan on seven days of chemo then off a few then seven days etc. He will stay in the hospital for 4 weeks then to Stanford U. in San Francisco for bone marrow transplants.
Love you guys
Marge; from previous posts I've made, you know what I believe. I won't go into some long winded disertation. I will say that you are in my prayers, and that everything that happens, good or bad in our lives, we are given the strength to sustain. I truly hope this doesn't sound harsh, but we learn, and grow stronger from adversity and challenge.

Know that you are not alone, that your family is there to help support your son, and we are here to help support you and yours. Don't let suffering drag you down. Remain strong in your core beliefs, and trust our Heavenly Father. He will sustain you, and give you the strength to be there for your son.

Most of us, at least by the time we hit 50, and usually younger, have witnessed first hand, loss, and pain, and suffering. IO have, and expect to see more before this life is over. If we are lucky, we have our Faith, and a strong family to help us cope. And we learn that mortality is just a small part of our journey.

I hope for you and your son the very best, and blessings of strenght, and if it is possible, for a remission of the cancer and shingles.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
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I understand what you are is just that it is such a shock.
I thank you all for your support and prayers. Right now he is all that matters.

Please don't lose hope--the medical profession has made such strides in treating leukemia-------a diagnosis of shingles is a horrible one in itself but still treatable though very painful. Hope that he gets good news soon and thank goodness he is young. Keep us posted and be sure that you take good care of yourself--we're all praying and rooting for you and your family.
marge, there's not much i can add but my prayers, and a hug for you. .

if you look, in time you'll find the reason why you're going through this. just remember we're here to help you get through, if you need it.
may god bless and watch over your family.
lean on us, let us help even if it's just listening..I cannot imagine what a shock this is and how it must hurt. Stay strong for your boys, believe it or not, as big as they are, they need their mommy right now. Hugs to all of you.
Marge, sorry to hear the sad news. I don't believe your family deserves all this but as the saying goes, bad things happen to good people. Whatever the outcome, be strong and look up on the bright side of things. All the very best to your son. May God bless you and your family.
I am so sorry you are going through this. Please know that many of us are praying for you and your family. We will help you through this too.
Marge, I'm so sorry. As others have said,your son, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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