Condolences to Dove, her beloved son John passed at 2:40 Nov 13/07

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Oh honey, I'm so very sorry!! You are such a pillar of strength and I hope you are able to continue to be so. John was lucky to have such a beautiful caring mom. God bless him!

Marge; You know how I feel already. What I want to know is how you feel. How are you holding up? Of course the prayers still continue, but for you and your family. John is already in great hands. I pray that you and Sandy, and of course all of your family, are given the strength to continue. I know from your posts that you have a strong family, with many members who all love and care for each other. Let your strength be there for them. And let their strength lift you up.

I hope and pray that our support helps, just a little. You are loved around here.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
We are holding up so far. I don't think Sandie and the boys will really feel it until after the Service. My sister Caroli is flying in from Indiana Tuesday at 11:00 PM and has to leave on Friday morning.She will do the same for John as she did for Paul. As I have said before, she is a Hospice Chaplain..when she was out last month she Baptized John She did a beautiful service for Paul and I am sure she will do the same for John.
Sandie is a Elementary School Secretary and they called today to let her know that they are catering the food for the "Celebration of Life" for John.
Kevin and I drove to the small town of Newcastle Ca. to see where he will be laid to rest (with Sandies family) It is about a 30 minute drive for me since I don't drive on the freeway. Breaks my heart that he will be so far away but I understand (or I am trying to) It is so beautiful and quiet..not like here in the city,next to the Jr. High School he went to.Paul is there and so will I some day.
The Service will be at 1:00 PM Pacific time.
Please keep us all in your Prayers at this difficult time
Love to all
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Dear Marge. You certainly know that Buck and I are with you and Sandie through this challenging time.

You didn't say what day John's service is going to be. We would like to know so that we could be "with you" during that time. Buck and I will stop whatever we are doing and stand beside you in John's honor. Sending lots of love and support for all of you.
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We are holding up so far. I don't think Sandie and the boys will really feel it until after the Service. My sister Caroli is flying in from Indiana Tuesday at 11:00 PM and has to leave on Friday morning.She will do the same for John as she did for Paul. As I have said before, she is a Hospice Chaplain..when she was out last month she Baptized John She did a beautiful service for Paul and I am sure she will do the same for John.
Sandie is a Elementary School Secretary and they called today to let her know that they are catering the food for the "Celebration of Life" for John.
Kevin and I drove to the small town of Newcastle Ca. to see where he will be laid to rest (with Sandies family) It is about a 30 minute drive for me since I don't drive on the freeway. Breaks my heart that he will be so far away but I understand (or I am trying to) It is so beautiful and quiet..not like here in the city,next to the Jr. High School he went to.Paul is there and so will I some day.
The Service will be at 1:00 PM Pacific time.
Please keep us all in your Prayers at this difficult time
Love to all

Marge, thirty minutes is not far away, and you said yourself that it is so beautiful and quiet. I'm sure if the distance is too far for you, then Kevin or Sandie will be happy to go to see John and Paul with you. Marge, I'm not clear on the date of the service, other than 1:00 pm pacific. My heart goes out to you sweetheart, and to all of your family, including Dove.
Marge, thirty minutes is not far away, and you said yourself that it is so beautiful and quiet. I'm sure if the distance is too far for you, then Kevin or Sandie will be happy to go to see John and Paul with you. Marge, I'm not clear on the date of the service, other than 1:00 pm pacific. My heart goes out to you sweetheart, and to all of your family, including Dove.

I cannot recall your dogs name Marge, but I thought it is Dove?
Amber, My little dog in the picture's name is Dove.The Name came with her. She was 13 month old when I adopted her. She will be 11 next April.

Paul is in the Cemetery just a few blocks above my home. It has been there for 126 years.

The date will be Wed, Nov. 21st. for John.

Paul's birthday is Nov. 20th. Thanksgiving is the 22nd and our 53rd Anniversary is the 23rd. The whole week will be filled with memories.
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I'm relatively new to the site, but I wanted to offer you my condolences. No matter the circumstances, you are never prepared for the loss of a loved one. I had one brother who was murdered, and another who died of cancer. Both times it still felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

We do what has to be done to make preparations, but we know it's not us doing it. Inside, we're collapsing and falling apart, but no one on the outside can see that. It's as if someone is inside of us doing everything. And we know who that is. He props us up. He gets us through. He helps us to comfort those who are having a more difficult time. But, yet we know it's not us doing it.

After it's all over, and we're alone with our thoughts, we let go. He soothes us when we cry, and then He says enough for now. I went throught that over a period of time and I understand now that grieving is a process. And you have to go through it.. The operative word being through..He would say okay, you can cry now, and then He would say, enough for now.

Grief can overtake you and put a stranglehold on your life. Render you incapable of even taking care of yourself. But we have to be there for the living. We have to go on. We must go on. They need us.

You lost your husband, but you know what, you were still in love when he died. How many people can say that? You lost your son, but he died in the arms of a family who loved him. What a testimony. Many people die alone, Marge. Some even have families.

When you really love a person, they never die. They own a piece of your heart. The most comforting thing that I can say to you, is that they lived. What would your life have been like without them?

The pain and loss that you have endured, will bear fruit in the life of someone else. You'll be able to tell another person that they can get through it. That they can go on. Because you did. And you can tell them that they don't have to be strong, because He is.

People are watching you go through this and wondering how you're holding it together. And you can give them your testimony. Because there is no testimony without a test.

May God bless you exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ever ask or think. May the power of His love keep you strong and encouraged.

Marge, you're going to be fine, because you have to be. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. There is so much about life that I don't understand, that just doesn't make any sense to me. When I think aout the wicked things that people do and how it seems that nothing ever happens to them. It just doesn't seem fair that decent people have to suffer.

I was at a crossroads one time in my life, and I felt so wronged and violated and angry and I didn't know what to do with my feelings, so I had to pray because I didn't know what else to do..

We have to forgive, even if God is the one whom we have to forgive. Forgiveness is powerful. It sets you free. Free to feel, free to love, free to hope, free to go on to do meaningful and significant things with our lives. We become "wounded healers", who have empathy for those who are suffering. There is much good we can do, because even suffering has a purpose.

I wish I lived closer to you so that I could put my arms around you and comfort you and look in your eyes and tell you that you will survive this. But I will pray for you, because prayer knows no distance. And I know that He has already sent The Comforter who will get you through this difficult time.

Marge, my heart breaks reading through this and I am sooo sorry. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

I will say this and I don't know if it will help at all. But when my mom was sick from cancer, I prayed to God for her healing. And when she finally passed, I was mad at God and asked why he had not healed her. And he spoke to me and said, "You don't see, but I have healed her." God healed her in a way that no doctor on earth could have ever done and knowing that he has her makes me feel comforted even though I still miss her and wish she could be with me. My mom has a new body, free from pain, free from sickness, free from the bondage of our flesh.

Marge, I miss my mom, I know you miss John, but they will always be with you and one day soon, we will see them again!
Marge, many beautiful and eloquent thoughts have been expressed on this site. My heart and spirit are in agreement with all that has been written to you.

It is so good that Caroli will be able to be there for all of you and officiate John's service. What a blessing she has been to your family through all of this. Sandie's school is being so supportive by offering to cater the Celebration of John's Life. I know you are opening your heart to receive the love, prayers, and support of those around you, including your DC family.

I will be with your family in Spirit on the 21st and I will pray for you all this week. I know our Great God, the One Who loves us all, will be there at your side this week. I will pray that you sense His presence.

Marge, please keep us informed as to how you are doing. We care about you. sue
I don't know you, Marge, but my heart is with you and your family. I will be keeping all of you in my thoughts during this difficult time.
(((Marge))) There is nothing harder than losing a child- NOTHING!! My heart and prayers are with you and your family- I wish you all the love and energy possible- Vicki
My prayers and thoughts are with you. I can not imagine what you are going through. I only hope that God gives you the strength that you will need. If there is anything that I can do to help let me know. Big hugs and kisses - Irene
Caroli's plane was 2 hours late leaving Indiana. So she missed her plane. They had to get another plane and call in a Crew. Now instead of arriving here at 11:01 it will be 1:57 Ca. time. 5 AM her time...Poor dear, I hope she rests and sleeps on the plane.

I was with Sandie today. She has a beautiful box to place John's ashes in. She called and asked me if she could use part of the bathrobe I made for him when he was 16! 36 years ago. I had no idea he kept it so long...Bless him.The funny story behind the robe is I was in a hurry to finish the light weight flannel robe( because it was one of his Christmas gifts) and ended putting one of the pockets on upside down...LOL He really thought it was funny!! So we cut the part where the pocket is upside down and cut the hem off...Sandie took it upstairs to their room...wrapped his bag of ashes in it..tied the hem piece around it .."to keep him warm" she said. I love her so much for taking such good care of John and loving him so much. She said today " I just want one more hug..."
Tomorrow at 1 PM is the time my son will be placed in his final resting heart is broken ..again.
Love you all,

someday soon I will send it to Kitchenelf and have her post it..
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I have avoiding saying anything on this thread, I've tried not reading it too. I lost my brother November of last year, and I lost a very special sister-in-law in November 2 years ago. Lost my aunt last month. Too many deaths in the family (hence, why I've been avoiding this thread). It's too close to my reality as well.

I know so well how you're feeling right now and I know it's not easy. You're so lucky to have such wonderful people about you. I so love what your DIL did with the bathrobe. If anyone sews in your family, it would be so cool to make a quilt of favorite *clothes* or blankets that John loved. I wish I had this talent, I'd love to do it with Lizzie and Richie's things.

((Big hugs to your and your family))

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