Dinner Sunday Oct. 18, 2015

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
Dinner is easy today. Six of us neighbors are getting together for dinner. The hosts are providing PIZZA, salad, and beer. I am bringing a fresh peach pie:yum:.

What are you planning?
I'm thinking of making a cream of broccoli/potato/cheese soup this afternoon. Sounds all warm and comfy. If I get really ambitious, I'll make some corn bread.
With the first cold weather of the fall (only 42 F at the moment)I have a slow cooker full of chili going. It's different from most, with ground beef, diced chicken, diced tomatoes, black beans, onion, corn, diced chilies, and the usual spices. I usually serve it over rice.
Cooler weather is a welcome visitor from the oppressive heat lately. It's a perfect for me 73 degrees today.
I think I'll be grilling some brined boneless pork chops today. Don't know what else yet.

Beth, it sounds like you live in a great new neighborhood. Your dinner together sounds like lots of fun.
I made a kind of improvised beef mince rendang with stir fry vegetables and fine chinese egg noodles.

Has anyone here tried rendang paste from jars? It was my first experience of using it and it spits away like crazy once it is added to a little oil (as suggested). I had to use my splatter screen over the frying pan to minimise the outpouring of splatterings! I think that it might be the vinegar content in it; I don't think the oil was overhot...it needed to be heated. It wasn't that great a flavour anyway (taste wise) and I prefer the red thai curry paste which tastes better and 'behaves' when added to oil.
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Thank you so very much! It is cooking now, and it smells so very good!

Uncle Nicu is in the kitchen as if as a buzzard circling us. Ha!

The kids dropped off DGrdtr this morning so they could go to a football game. Vikings win, great sunny day. We had dinner ready when they got back. Beef stroganoff, broccoli, salad and I made popovers.
...Vikings win...
ROGERS! :D All I can say about the Browns is "How 'bout them Buckeyes?" ;)

Leftovers. Himself just doesn't feel like eating much, so I'm not inspired to cook anything fancy. Since I'm short in the leftover department, I'll have to cook soon. I cleaned up watermelon, a half of a baked potato, the zucchini spears, and a couple slices of pork tenderloin. After a rough night, followed by a sound sleep all day, Himself is still thinking what goes good for breakfast at 9:00 PM. :LOL:
After seeing the discussion of Roch's chicken cacciatore, I was inspired to make that tonight. We don't care for mushrooms, so I make it with bell peppers, onions and garlic. I served it over spaghetti with garlic bread. Yummy! :yum:


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We had some tomatoes we needed to use up so galettes tonight, 2 tomato, basil, moz, and 1 spinach, onion, porcini, smoked moz.


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