Dinner Thursday, January 21, 2016

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
I've already got dinner planned, and done. Efficient? Nope. We're having leftovers. There are the ribs and fixin's from Tuesday and yesterday's chicken. The chicken would require me to make new sides, so I'm thinking we'll just nosh on ribs and stuff as we get hungry this evening.

What's cooking (or reheating) in your kitchen?
We get chicken and noodles, green bean casserole, and cherry cheesecake, courtesy of United Way take and bake fundraiser. I'll throw in the leftover chicken chunks with country gravy I made last night. UW's noodles can be a bit bland. Usually their meals last us 3 or 4 days.
My wife asked me to make her favorite chicken and dumpling soup for dinner and I consented. For some people, soup is an accompaniment but a hearty soup can carry the whole load.
I'm hoping the kitchen is closed for vacation. I'm going out to get some Popeye's tonight.
Chicken here too, leftover from yesterday. I'll reheat the last of the mashed potatoes, and either make a salad to go alongside, or steam some carrots. Might throw some peas in with the carrots if I go that route.
Souschef came home loaded down with meat to prepare for the freezer, including Value pac chicky thighs at .77 rather than 1.99! (Von's)That's an unbelievable price. He also got pork shoulder and ground chuck, so that's a lot of packing up to do.
I'm thinking some pork will be cooked today. I'll report later.
I'm going to finish off the last of the taco rice I made earlier and froze.

I've got to clear out some leftovers so I can get busy cooking other things.
I'm with Kayelle, I'm doing Pork as well.
I have two Pork Loin Chops from Costco that I butterflied and rubbed with a mixture my Chef-y friend from Colorado made for me.
Along side, I plan on making my version of Brussels Sprouts and a HUGE green salad as well... well that's the plan anyways...
Well, I should have gotten started on the Kaula Pork (in the Nesco roaster) earlier in the day. I just told the SC we might not have dinner till 8pm and the old cruiser said he didn't sign up for the second seating.:bash: :LOL:.

I'll still do him some steamed rice, and we'll have braised shredded cabbage with it. Sure smells good!;)
Salt roasted chicken. I'm going to try it in one of my new copper pans tonight (I knew that fish pan was good for something). I'm really nervous about this. I'm afraid I'm going to ruin the chicken or worse, the pan.
well, i should have gotten started on the kaula pork (in the nesco roaster) earlier in the day. I just told the sc we might not have dinner till 8pm and the old cruiser said he didn't sign up for the second seating.:bash: :LOL:.

I'll still do him some steamed rice, and we'll have braised shredded cabbage with it. Sure smells good!;)

ONO! K, Kalua Pig and Cabbage, rice, well no Lomi Lomi Salmon though, shucks
Kalua Pig and Cabbage with Lomi Salmon.JPG

i'm with kayelle, i'm doing pork as well.
I have two pork loin chops from costco that i butterflied and rubbed with a mixture my chef-y friend from colorado made for me.
Along side, i plan on making my version of brussels sprouts and a huge green salad as well... Well that's the plan anyways...


This is how our dinner came out.
I added a dollop of my homemade chunky apple sauce and a small bowl of cucumbers with a yogurt based dressing, MMM! I added a baked tater for my Mister, he can still have carbs, for now. Really good, and WHAT? This is DIET FOOD?
Well, I should have gotten started on the Kaula Pork (in the Nesco roaster) earlier in the day. I just told the SC we might not have dinner till 8pm and the old cruiser said he didn't sign up for the second seating.:bash: :LOL:.

I'll still do him some steamed rice, and we'll have braised shredded cabbage with it. Sure smells good!;)
It was killer!
Absolutely delicious
I rubbed chicken thighs under the skin with a bunch of seasonings and brushed soy sauce under and over, then roasted them. I served them with leftover mashed potatoes and gravy and a green salad.


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We ate it too fast to take pictures but it sure turned out great, and we ate by 7pm.Whoo Hoo!
The chunks for the pork butt Kaula pork was done to perfection in the Nesco roaster, shredded and kept warm with drippings in the toaster oven, and the cabbage cooked in the remaining juices in the Nesco roaster with high temp. Outstanding meal.
We had bnls/skls chicken thighs, lightly coated in seasoned flour, then sauteed in olive oil. Sides were dressing, summer squash casserole and gravy.

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