Dinner Wednesday 12th December

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Using up my pizza dough tonight. Plus experimenting with deferent dough times and pre cooking and freezing. So tonight I made a tomato sauce, squid and capers pizza.

Looks lovely, S&P, and what unusual ingredients! Whodathunk a calamari pizza?

We'll probably nuke some "baked" potatoes.
I got some bone in, skin on chicken breasts. I think I'll roast them in the oven with some lemon and herbs. I'll roast the meat on top of a mix of potato's and carrots. The last 10 minute or so I'll add some asparagus to the pan.
I dove down into the depths of the freezer and came back up to the surface with some homemade perogies...no bacon (or maybe I just didn't dive deep enough) but I had some bacon marmalade...so I sauteed one onion, added about 2 T of bacon marmalade and heated up some roasted tomato saice for the side. Oh, and of course, sour cream (except, it was fake sour cream--cottage cheese creamed using the hand wand, to which I added about 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice to get the tartness--didn't have any sour cream, either).


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We are going to a Christmas Party at TB's former job - a care home for physically and mentally challenged adults. He left there a month ago after working an extra year just one day a week (on top of his bus job) and they invited us to festivities. It is a highlight of my year because the staff, residents and families are such incredible people.

There is usually ham, turkey and all the fixings. I can eat the turkey and probably some salad but will take some rice cakes just to be sure I have enough to eat.

For my dinner tonight I will have some more of my soup!

The party was a lunch and was very good. I behaved and just had turky and salad.

My evening meal will probably consist of pumpkin seeds until we get home as we are at the er for TB right now. They are thinking low blood sugar.
Oh, I remember that, Pac! Hopefully this time it is stew...:LOL:

It was! I served it over leftover rice from the other night. Hit the spot since I was outside most of the day.

Those pierogies need an onion puck, CW! :LOL:
What was the filling? They look good.
Speaking of gravy, I made some creamed tuna on mashed taters tonight.
Real comfort food to be sure.

I fancied it up some with the addition of peas, chopped hard boiled eggs, and saute' of mushrooms, onions, celery. Tasted durn fine, and added some healthy steamed broccoli rab on the side to justify the guilty pleasure of it all. ;) :yum:
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Speaking of gravy, I made some creamed tuna on mashed taters tonight.
Real comfort food to be sure.

I fancied it up some with the addition of peas, chopped hard boiled eggs, and saute' of mushrooms, onions, celery. Tasted durn fine, and added some healthy steamed broccoli rab on the side to justify the guilty pleasure of it all. ;) :yum:

Now that is GOURMET I do say! I may do this. I want some :yum:
Speaking of gravy, I made some creamed tuna on mashed taters tonight.
Real comfort food to be sure.

I fancied it up some with the addition of peas, chopped hard boiled eggs, and saute' of mushrooms, onions, celery. Tasted durn fine, and added some healthy steamed broccoli rab on the side to justify the guilty pleasure of it all. ;) :yum:

Creamed tuna? How do you make that?
Speaking of gravy, I made some creamed tuna on mashed taters tonight.
Real comfort food to be sure.

I fancied it up some with the addition of peas, chopped hard boiled eggs, and saute' of mushrooms, onions, celery. Tasted durn fine, and added some healthy steamed broccoli rab on the side to justify the guilty pleasure of it all. ;) :yum:

That sounds really nice, I love tuna :)

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