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it's something with green eye stalks and purple prickles all over.

Ok.... whos idea was this?! :unsure:

*getting tongs and lysol* *going up to bedroom and picking "IT" up with tongs....... ripping sheets off and spraying disinfectant*
What in heck IS this thing?! *walking outside and throwing "IT" into garden*
*Going to change sheets* HEY!!! Who replaced my nice beige sheets with SpongeBob sheets??!!!

Gaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! *putting sheets on bed* Im going to bed!!
Ok.... whos idea was this?! :unsure:
i can't name any names (their)
as far as the sheets that wasn't me
either. i'd have opted for wolf sheets
personally lol. nighty night sush.
I would've given you navy and hunter green plaid flannel, myself. They're more snuggly.

g'night sushi.
<<hearing snoring in the distance>>
<<tiptoeing away, downstairs>>

hey middie! Par-tay in the HOWSE!
"The roof...the roof...the roof is on fire...we don't need no water let the............."
oops, I forgot this is a family site.
Putting on Prince's 1999 and dancing around.
Get me a coconut rum and coke, please! I'm in the mood for fun!

(only the h will be home soon, so I'm sure he'll want to play online poker, so I may be gone soon)
the taste that refreshes!

Don't tell Sush, but I had a small firepit put in near the jacuzzi so we can sit in it and make s'mores at the same time.
I'm going out there
(grabbing hershey bars, giant marshmallows, graham crackers and a jug 'o milk)
wanna make some?\
gotta go - h is home.
Ok.... whos idea was this?! :unsure:

*getting tongs and lysol* *going up to bedroom and picking "IT" up with tongs....... ripping sheets off and spraying disinfectant*
What in heck IS this thing?! *walking outside and throwing "IT" into garden*
*Going to change sheets* HEY!!! Who replaced my nice beige sheets with SpongeBob sheets??!!!

Gaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! *putting sheets on bed* Im going to bed!!

Gosh, what an ill-tempered guy. :-p That little guy in your bed was a special pet to keep you company. It took me hours to corner and catch him just for YOU! As long as you don't roll over on him, he's harmless. :cool: And I'm sure the Sponge Bob sheets were a lovely gift from some admirer who thinks you look very very young...:mrgreen:
Good Morning Everyone. Rise and shine. Somebody slap me I'm NEVER this cheerful in the morning lol. Anyway if anyone wants breakfast help yourself. I have to start setting up the cafe for the Red Sauce Show Down between Sush and Bucky.
Morning! Sorry I left in such a rush yesterday. That THING in the cupboard really freaked me out.

Did Sushi like the Spongebob sheets I got for him? I made sure he had fresh sheets and even a little mint on his pillow upstairs. I thought he has been working so hard at his new job that he deserved a treat.

OK, fresh croissants and strawberries for breakfast. I am also brewing a BIG pot of butter pecan coffee to go with. Any takers?
K middie, here you go. I brought some creme fraiche for the strawberries too, and here are your croissants and butter. And of course coffee.

Hey, it looks nice out here! You are doing a great job. I will start prepping the hors d'oerves (sp?) for the party. I can do bruschetta, and some antipasti?
Hey, some delivery truck just showed up with about 2 tons of tomatoes - Any idea where to put them???

Put them in that alcove out by the tents Middie is setting up. The boys can do with them as they will.

ronjohn, is that beer ready for today? mudbug was asking about it.
k guys hate to leave you like ths but reality is calling me. i know you guys can handle it. i'll come back and give you a hande when i get back home. about 8ish.
Hey mudbug, I just went down to the basement and all the kegs are EMPTY! :shock:

Can you get on the phone and get some over here pronto? Can you order a bunch of wine too, some folks might prefer that with their red sauce when we are taste testing.
I knew it, I just knew it. Ronjohn's down there prepping Bucky for the showdown. NO CHEATING, YOU GUYS!!!

*dialing Beer911*
"Hello? Emergency here at the cafe. Need infusion fast. Yes, right away. Two trucks, please."

*hanging up and dialing Oenophiles Anonymous (motto: If you can spell it, you are one of us)*
"Hello? yes, DC Virtual Cafe here. We need 10 - make that 12 - cases of assorted vintages. Please make sure there is a least one bottle of white marked 'for pds' in that shipment. Send the bill to Mr. Deadly Sushi."
LMAO mudbug, I can spell it, but I am not one! I brought some of my BIL's home brewed red for me and anyone else who can't drink the commercial stuff.
Back in a few. Tag me someone! The proscuitto is over there, and the various cheeses are over there. The bruschetta just needs to be assembled. Ciao!
*picking proscuitto out of teeth* sorry, I had to run after the wine deliverer to tell him to bring back some wine for jkath without sulfites.

I am locking the basement door. No one named john allowed down there until the showdown is over.

*arranging bruschetta on attractive plates hand-painted in Italy, pouring several glasses of wine in various shades of red and white* who needs a nosh?
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