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OK. Plates, cutlery, fancy cake knife, serviettes (napkins in the States? I never know), glasses, jug of milk, bottle of Champagne...

Ready to roll. Middie, do you want to blow out the candles or do you think we might all catch your cold?!:LOL:



Time to make a wish and
blow out the candles
!!! BLOW HARD !!!

or fan hard, lol
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Here middie, open my gift first !!!
!!! I shopped all week long for it :D

I hope you like it, but first read the card

*To a wonderful friend we all love, maddie
Happy Birthday, Robert*
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Aww thank you Rd.
*opening gift*

Wow !! A lovely smelling candle.
I know I've smelled this before but
I can't quite remember where. This
cold is making it kind of hard to make
out the scent. What is it ?
middie said:
Birthday girl is diving into chair at the head of the table all ready for my cake and a big glass of milk too please ?
Well... hello Birthday girl! Here is your present from the DC Admins. Hope you like! :)


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Middie, I'm so sorry I had to leave the party so quick!
I hope you don't mind I brought your present late!


There's a jacuzzi on board, so get out your swimsuit!​
Anyone know where rdcast has gone? I've fixed up a family suite for him but he seems to have disappeared. Oh well, I guess he'll be back.

Meantime, I'll leave some breakfast makings in the heated trolley. Help yourselves. Me, I'm going to have a bacon sandwich with tomato sauce. Oh so bad but oh so good!
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