Everyday Scottish Food

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Assistant Cook
Oct 17, 2022
Reading, UK
My wife and I are visiting Scotland atm.

I want to eat real everyday Scottish food (nothing fancy just what the locals are having that’s different from the English).

Anyone know ??

Currently in Edinburgh having Haggis, Neeps & Tatties.

Yesterday was deep fried Mars bar, Iron Bru and Makars Gourmet Mash Bar!!


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Cranachan is a very nice dessert made with oats & fresh fruit. Tablet is also a nice Scottish sweet, as is shortbread.

I also recommend Scottish salmon & highland beef. Cheddar & oatcakes are a nice savory snack .

Also try their Whiskey, they're famous for them.
Cranachan is a very nice dessert made with oats & fresh fruit. Tablet is also a nice Scottish sweet, as is shortbread.

I also recommend Scottish salmon & highland beef. Cheddar & oatcakes are a nice savory snack .

Also try their Whiskey, they're famous for them.
Cranachan, tablet ticked off the list now ;-)
I vacationed there for couple of weeks a long time ago. Haggis, of course, and I liked that. We did tours for single malt scotch whiskeys, which was fun too. The landscapes and all the sheep were beautiful. The weather was hot, cold, sleeting, snowy, rainy, warm, all in one day, amazing changing weather.
Definitely try an arbroath smokie. Preferably from arbroath. Billy Connolly highly recommends it. I do too.

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