Food I HATED as a kid, like/love it today...

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Foods I hated as a kid but love now:

Deli-ry with caraway seeds
green olives
dill pickles

Flavors I still can't handle:
black licorice

Though I love that little bit of anise in Chines 5-spice powder, but in very small amounts.

I have always loved all kinds of veggies, meats, and fruits. I have always loved fresh fish, or even fish sticks.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I hated pineapple, love it now but only fresh .. the canned pineapple i still can not stand ..

I couldn't eat pineapple till about a year ago, broke out in nasty hives. Just found out by accident when I had pineapple juice in a cocktail that I can eat them now. Love them to bits! Hate all tinned fruit, they're way too sweet and the texture is gross.
My father used to force me to eat bananas till I got sick, I eat them fried with breakfast now or cooked in food but haven't touched a raw banana since! Won't even try, the thought makes me feel green :(
I eat all other fruits and veg cooked, raw etc.
I have a few foods that I still don't like but I will eat anything if someone cooks for me. Hate being rude and apart from those darn bananas I can eat anything without!
It;'s only in the last two years that I have started cooking ham. I couldn't stand the smell of it cooking. (this started in my teens)..bacon, no problem, but I hated the smell of ham while it baked. I especially like it when I glaze it with maple syrup...
which mustard would you recommend? (i currently have american, dijon and honey mustard)

Spicy brown, horseradish, German mustards...there are so many that are great...I suspect you would soon decide plain yellow mustard is gross.:LOL:
I'm with you on the "yellow mustard is gross..." I have lime chilpolte mustard, maple mustard, wasabi mustard, the list goes on. I love a good mustard.
Spicy brown, horseradish, German mustards...there are so many that are great...I suspect you would soon decide plain yellow mustard is gross.:LOL:

the spicy brown and the horseradish mustards, especially the horseradish, have nice bold accents and i like them both. but i was introduced to them together with certain deli meats, which i rarely, if ever, purchase anymore. the plain yellow mustard i keep on hand largely for my grandkids, who are not likely to give up their mustard, american cheese and iceberg lettuce for something better any time soon.:)
Spicy brown, horseradish, German mustards...there are so many that are great...I suspect you would soon decide plain yellow mustard is gross.:LOL:
I like various kinds of mustards, but I have to admit, I love plain yellow mustard! The one mustard I can't stand though is Dijon. :wacko:
I'm with you Barbara. I'm a purist when it comes to mustard and like plain old yellow, but I usually grab mayo over mustard for a sandwich anyway. Mustard lasts me a long time. Dijon is OK... if you're dipping pretzels in it, lol. I have some on hand for recipes that call for it, and some spicy brown and jalapeño. The plain yellow gets used more than the others.
Yellow mustard and sweet relish is the only way to go with a hotdog.
Hot German mustard is my favourite, the one that comes in a glass mug! I make a mean wholegrain mustard myself but it takes so darn long before you can eat it :(
Have I missed something here, is this a thread for foods we hated as kids or!
I have to admit that I'm a true "Mustardholic". At the moment my fridge contains Smooth Dijon, Stone-Ground Brown, Whole-Seed Brown, Brown with Tabasco, Wasabi Mustard, Champagne Mustard, & Raspberry Mustard. : )
Hot German mustard is my favourite, the one that comes in a glass mug! I make a mean wholegrain mustard myself but it takes so darn long before you can eat it :(
Have I missed something here, is this a thread for foods we hated as kids or!
We sometimes have a bad habit of veering off the beaten path! :mrgreen:
When I was a kid I hated corned beef, still do, but at least now I'm older I don't have to buy the stuff or think about eating the stuff. As a kid I hated omelettes but these days I do love a good omelette.
You know how I ate corned beef as a kid?
Drowned in yellow mustard :LOL:

Now I love pastrami and reubens. I don't even need the mustard ;)
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