Frosted Brownie Crunch Pop-Tarts® Crunchy Poppers Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

I finally found this one at a local grocery store and picked up a package.

Each box has 5 one ounce bags in it.

Each bag had around 12 bite sized poppers here. They are small for sure.

The outer part is the so called crunchy part but not that crunchy.

The inner part is nice and soft here.

The flavor here was brownie for sure. A real nice brownie flavor.

Really tasty.

A big thumbs up for sure from me on this item.
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I will be looking out for this one. I love the chocolate fudge poptarts!
The chocolate fudge is one of my favorites as well. But, since I was a kid, my absolute favorite is the brown sugar cinnamon.

I picked up a box of a new flavor of Pop Tarts last week that my son loves - Boston Creme Donut. I personally haven't tried them yet, but my son says they're super good.

However, I've been wanting to try these Crunchy Poppers, so I'll pick up a box, if they're not too expensive.
Wow, thanks for sharing your review! It's funny how those little snacks can surprise you.
Pop Tarts are getting thinner and shorter. Or at least that's what I've experienced. Plus there's a whole conversation about that on social media with people complaining of the same thing and that they've started buying store brand toaster treats because they're now better than Pop Tarts.
110 calories per package. The ones I got tasted just ok but a little stale (soft not very crunchy).
Pop Tarts are getting thinner and shorter. Or at least that's what I've experienced. Plus there's a whole conversation about that on social media with people complaining of the same thing and that they've started buying store brand toaster treats because they're now better than Pop Tarts.
I’ll have to try store brand. My favorite is brown sugar
I used to love Pop Tarts when they first came out. into the toaster, smear with butter, chow down. Don't think I've had any since the late 60's? Couldn't afford them with two little ones. Have never bought them since.
I used to love Pop Tarts when they first came out. into the toaster, smear with butter, chow down. Don't think I've had any since the late 60's? Couldn't afford them with two little ones. Have never bought them since.
Now that's a new one. I've never heard of anyone smearing butter on Pop Tarts before.

I love saltine crackers smeared with butter, though.
I may have to try that sometime. I don't eat Pop Tarts often, but once in a while I'll sneak one from my son's stash. :whistling

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