Griiled wild turkey

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Feb 21, 2010
Howdy folks.
If you've never had wild turkey, you don't know what you're missing. This wild turkey was harvested on Sunday, breast was cut into chicken sized pieces and marinated in Italian dressing for 24 hours then grilled indirect for about 2 hours on Monday. It was as tender as it could possibly be. If you ever get a chance, you've gotta try it..[attachment=1:xgbezv91]DSC00303.JPG[/attachment:xgbezv91]ready to plate.[attachment=0:xgbezv91]DSC00307.JPG[/attachment:xgbezv91]


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Looks great, bet it was tasty too. We go pheasant hunting in October. If we see a turkey it get's blasted. Just sucks getting all the shot out the bird. :LOL:

Pigs On The Wing BBQ said:
Looks great, bet it was tasty too. We go pheasant hunting in October. If we see a turkey it get's blasted. Just sucks getting all the shot out the bird. :LOL:

If you happen to get a shot at one, make sure and aim for the head and neck area. If you shoot one in the body, they'll laugh at you and fly away.. They're that tough to kill. Good luck to you..
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