Grilled Corned Beef Brisket
Hello to All!
First time posting and couldn't pass up the Corned Beef Brisket Grilled discussion.
I have been grilling my corned beef for many years, and it has come to a yearly tradition of many friends and family waiting and talking all year about this day.
I hated the way my mother use to cook the corned beef in water, that I think steals most of the flavors.
I don't soak in water to remove the salt, I don't add any new spices but the ones that came in the package. I always buy the flat that is approx. 8 - 12 lbs. The point is removed. I try to find some that has less fat but not all lean, because remember, the fat keeps the meat moist and the flavors alive.
I lay out 12 sheets of heavy duty foil, take two sheets, long enough to wrap the beef, and panel them together. Put two pieces of foil length wise, not the part that was ripped, on top of each other and do a small fold on the length wise edge, about three time so the pieces when open stay together and form a panel. Do until you have a total of 6 panels. Open these up and lay three panels on top of each other. Place your corned beef on top and wrap tightly. There will be part of the corned beef that is exposed. You will do the same with the rest of the panels of foil, turn the exposed side down on top of the last three sheets of foil and wrap it up again, this time laying it crosswise to cover. It will seem like a lot of foil but as you will find out it is just enough.
Heat up enough charcoal to last three hours, and raise the rack to the highest part of the grill. I usually cook three briskets at a time.
Cook, flipping every 1/2 hour for 3 hours. In the last 1/2 hour, remove and open up the foil and poke with a fork, be careful for the juices will be overwhelming, drain the juice into a pot and use this to cook your potatoes and cabbage. If the corn beef is not yet fork tender then cook a bit longer. (You will noticed that the foil is becoming larger than the brisket, this is why you have to tightly wrap in the beginning. It forms a cooking pocket full of steams and spices.) Yum!
I let it rest for 15 minutes in the foil and slice away..
Never had a complaint! It may seem like a bit of a fuss, but why spend the money on a delicious piece of meat if you are just going to boil away all the flavors. (I don't soak to remove the salt, but if you are salt sensitive then you might want to consider it, although I don't ever remember mine being salty) PS: make enough, even though I make approximately 45 lbs, I barely have enough left to make sandwiches the next day..
Happy St. Patrick's Day!