Happy Birthday Princess Fiona!

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Flour Child
Mar 26, 2010
North Carolina, USA
happy birthday
princess fiona!


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Happy Birthday Princess Fiona! You don't look a day older than 4! (I assume your avatar picture is current!) :D

I hope it's a good one!

Happy Birthday PF! Wish I could bake you a cake and actually have you be able to eat it!
I have birthday brownies waiting for you. Tell Archie to hurry up! Happy Birthday! Hope Shrek takes you out on the town.
Wow! Yes, thank you everyone! Even though I worked today, I had a great day. Pizza and a movie, my feet up and all your best wishes! Can't ask for better!
Oh! Oh! OOOHHH!!!!! Shrek just gave me my birthday present!!!!

He ordered us real wedding bands and they came today, from Ireland! They are matching Claddagh Rings, we've been wanting these for years!!! They are beautiful!

And another round of thanks for the birthday wishes. I am now officially old enough for my very own AARP membership!
I missed it!:ohmy: I can't believe I missed it. Oh how could this have happened? What am I going to do? The only royalty I know (except for a royal pain or two, and you certainly aren't one of those:LOL:) and I missed the celebration. More importantly, I missed the opportunity to say happy birthday to PrincessFiona.

I guess I'm just going to have to say; Happy belated birthday.:D I hope it was great, and that everyone treated you like royalty. And I hope they served you the best piece of pie ever made (Pie is better than cake. Always remember that. It's important.), with some really good ice cream, and a big dish of your favorite pasta, with lobster and scallops on the side, and bacon.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
I missed it!:ohmy: I can't believe I missed it. Oh how could this have happened? What am I going to do? The only royalty I know (except for a royal pain or two, and you certainly aren't one of those:LOL:) and I missed the celebration. More importantly, I missed the opportunity to say happy birthday to PrincessFiona.

I guess I'm just going to have to say; Happy belated birthday.:D I hope it was great, and that everyone treated you like royalty. And I hope they served you the best piece of pie ever made (Pie is better than cake. Always remember that. It's important.), with some really good ice cream, and a big dish of your favorite pasta, with lobster and scallops on the side, and bacon.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

You made it! By my clock you made it by 9 minutes! Thanks GW...I had Pizza PIE...does that count? and I had two pieces of 70% cocoa instead of one.

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