Happy Birthday To The 50th State ~ Are You Making a Luau 8/21/18?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
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In lieu of a Luau, I will be singing Louie, Louie.. ;)

Green salad with slices of Teriyaki chicken tonight..

Dessert is yet to be determined..

I just LOVE this TV commercial


That's my kinda girlie!
She eats her Fried Rice with a spoon,
just like a good local girl should :LOL:

DH: Why do you use a spoon so often to eat?
Me: To make sure I get very last bit of goodness :yum:
DH: You're such a local :chuckle:
(saying someone is a local, pronounced LOCO, is a good thing ;))
Me: YUP! Through and through
I always wanted to try spam but way to expensive here.

I am odd I know.

We had chicken in creamy tomatosauce with pasta.
For substance I am making grilled ham, cheese, red onion, and green chile sandwiches. This is the salad I am making, Chopped Cucumber Caprese Salad. The tomatoes, garlic, basil and cucumbers are from my garden.


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Butterflied pork chops, wild rice, grapes and watermelon. I may have to Pineapple Soyaki the chops to luauize them.
Well I was originally going to have some shrimp.
Then a friend called and said she was bringing lunch - what did I want?. Surprise me. OK!

She walked in with a can of Escargot, a stick of garlic butter, a Baguette, a pkg of Pate AND a pkg of Cheese Fondue. :ohmy:

We nibbled on the Pate 'n Baguette while I did up the Escargot. Ate that with the rest of the Baguette - LOL I made sure she took home the Fondue when she left. :angel:

I'll munch on a peach and maybe some Jello while watching TV tonight.
I just LOVE this TV commercial


That's my kinda girlie!
She eats her Fried Rice with a spoon,
just like a good local girl should [emoji38]

DH: Why do you use a spoon so often to eat?
Me: To make sure I get very last bit of goodness :yum:
DH: You're such a local :chuckle:
(saying someone is a local, pronounced LOCO, is a good thing ;))
Me: YUP! Through and through
I eat fried rice with a spoon, too! [emoji38] Why make it so difficult by chasing it all around the plate with a fork?! :ROFLMAO:
Butterflied pork chops, wild rice, grapes and watermelon. I may have to Pineapple Soyaki the chops to luauize them.

Alohaaaa Dawg!
I've never tried that, seen it in, TJ's I think, right?
Is it like a Ponzu type of taste profile?

I eat fried rice with a spoon, too! [emoji38] Why make it so difficult by chasing it all around the plate with a fork?! :ROFLMAO:

So perfect GG! I use a spoon (when I'm at home at least) for rice dishes and things with gravy :yum: It's better than licking the plate :LOL:
Alohaaaa Dawg!
I've never tried that, seen it in, TJ's I think, right?
Is it like a Ponzu type of taste profile?

So perfect GG! I use a spoon (when I'm at home at least) for rice dishes and things with gravy :yum: It's better than licking the plate :LOL:

Don't think I've had ponzu, Kgirl. But yes, it's TJ's, pineapple teriaki with ginger, garlic and sesame seeds. I like it (though I don't marinate meat in it due to pineapple-caused meat mushiness). And I too have been known to use a spoon with fried rice.
I use a spoon for rice, too, K-Girl. I may not be a loco (local) but I am considered a little loco (crazy).

Breakfast for supper today. Mushroom omelet with tarragon seasoning and Havarti cheese. Home fried potatoes with Spice House Florida Seasoned Pepper. Little breakfast sausage links from Aldi. And homemade chunky applesauce. Needed only a fork. ;) No photo since even a color picture would be just shades of beige and gray.
I had a hamburger steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, coleslaw and fruit bowl with berries. Yes, I ate out.
Hauoli la hanau, Happy 59th birthday to the State of Hawaii!
Hawaii was inducted into the Union on this date;
in honor of my "hometown",
I have Guava Chicken marinating, waiting for the grill
as well some Fried Rice
What will be your luau today?



I made the Portuguese Sausage Fried Rice ahead of time,
and HAD to taste test it with a spoon,
well, maybe a few too many bites? :LOL:
Being a Tuesday, I was thinking Taco Tuesday all day. I saw this thread, and happened to have a can of SPAM (lower sodium, sorry K-girl), and thought, SPAM tacos.

Interesting concept. Bad idea.

If I were to do it again, I would make breakfast tacos with SPAM and eggs. That, and diced onions, and maybe some diced hot peppers. And cheese, of course.

SPAM just didn't work as a replacement for beef, pork butt or chicken in a traditional taco. I ate it, but it wasn't something I will do again.

Live and learn. :chef:

Being a Tuesday, I was thinking Taco Tuesday all day. I saw this thread, and happened to have a can of SPAM (lower sodium, sorry K-girl), and thought, SPAM tacos.

Interesting concept. Bad idea.

If I were to do it again, I would make breakfast tacos with SPAM and eggs. That, and diced onions, and maybe some diced hot peppers. And cheese, of course.

SPAM just didn't work as a replacement for beef, pork butt or chicken in a traditional taco. I ate it, but it wasn't something I will do again.

Live and learn. :chef:


Casey, I do Spam Breakfast Burritos often ;)

We watched a Netflix marathon of Hawaii 5 O today if that counts.

Book em, Kgirl.

BT, was it the original or the re-boot? Ya gotta love Jack Lord!

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