Hot Sauce

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salt and pepper

Executive Chef
Jun 13, 2011
My first thought when I saw the label, was that it was a bottle of
Mcilhenny Hot Sauce from Louisiana. He may have a infringement problem on his hands. I admire his efforts, but he should look into even changing the shape.I believe that the Mcilhenny label is registered and copyrighted. If there is a little circle with a C in it just above the name, then he needs to make some major changes to his label if he plans to sell it. By using that shape he is going up against the biggest hot sauce maker in the world. And they do ship their product all over the world. Any store in their right mind will not put it on their shelves. :angel:
Then go with the full lable. And have fun on the computer. Good job. Better than I could accomplish. If it is not business realted, I have no idea how to do that kind of thing. :angel:
I could see the bottles with the labels as salt and pepper sets. That sure would confuse the guests. There I go again. Playing with the minds of the folks. :angel:
If you want your own hot sauce Ricky's will label it for you. They do hooters too I think.


Any chance you might share your recipe? or at least technique?

I jar salsa very well, but Hot Sauce (thin) , I have not mastered..

Mine always just comes out like very hot vinegar..

yours appears "shelf stable"..Eric, Austin Tx.
I would like to know how did he get that plastic black ring that provides a seal, on the bottle so neatly. That seal as a rule comes up over the cap. :angel:
Thank you. I love to learn new things. :angel:

I'm in the packaging business -
Our biggest customer, Chapstick, is a full-sleeve shrink-wrap.... that means that the safety seal and the label body are a single piece, with perfs separating the body from the safety seal............ really amazing, what it takes to get a shrink label around a product.........

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