How Many People Buy?

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Head Chef
Aug 25, 2004
Southeast, Kansas
How many people go into a department store, see things that they like and buy on the spure of the moment?.

I used to do this and a week or two later I would decide that I really didn't want it. So to break myself of the habbit of buying things that I really didn't want I decided that the next time I had the impulse to buy something just because it was pretty, cute or whatever I would pick it up, put it into my shopping cart and continue on with my shopping for what I was there for and by the time I was ready to check out I had had plenty of time to come to the comclusion that what I had picked up I really didn't want or need so I put it back.
tweedee.....I too see something I like and want and throw it in the cart and 9 times out of 10 by the time I'm ready to go to check out I pull it out of the cart and set it aside and not purchase it. There are times I may go to the store several different times and put that item back into my cart and think ok this time I'm going to buy it. If this happens then I usually end up buying it. I usually always end up buying something I didn't go into the store for though. Sometimes I'm thrilled well after its bought and sometimes I end up just returning it.
If I put it in my cart, I would probably end up buying it. I tell myself that I will go back for it. If I really don't need it, I don't go back, but if I decide it is worth getting then it is worth going back for. Once in awhile I will put something in my cart because I really do want it, but I'm not sure I can afford it. I put it in the top part of the cart to remind me to think about it. Then, if I can't afford it, or if I just decide I don't need it, I put it back.

:) Barbara
Yeah, I do this.. I'm one of these people that go to buy 2 or 3 things and come out with 30. Nine times out of ten, I end up forgetting what I went for in the first place.
mudbug said:
ladies, when you take it out of your carts, where are you putting it back? I hope in the original spot you found it!
Always! That is one of the reasons I prefer not to put it in there if I'm not sure I want it.

:) Barbara
thank you! I will probably spend half of this evening putting things back -- on the other side of the store -- that people decided they didn't want.
mudbug said:
ladies, when you take it out of your carts, where are you putting it back? I hope in the original spot you found it!

if I'm wayyyyyyyy out in the parking lot, I don't drag it back to the store. I just wheel into the cart holders.
LoL :LOL: blonde moment... yeah, I put most of the stuff back unless I'm pressed for time.

ironchef should use this for his siggy pic! :LOL:
tweedee that is how I get in trouble with my credit cards. I have now turned over a new leaf (or rather a whole new book) and cut all my credit cards in half except for my debit card. I am a compulsive buyer if something really catches my eye, and I am at an age where I should be downsizing not expanding. I now have to find a way to get rid of that stuff I have and never used. My best friend in california and I would go shopping, put what we wanted in a basket, walk around the store and then an hour later pause and review the contents of the basket, then at the second thought would walk around the store putting everything back on the shelves, decided elimination could be fun too. Neither of us, we decided, needs anything except for a Gulf Stream and a vacation home in Europe, and cannot buy those at a department store. COmpulsive buying can be dangerous to the pocketbook.


ALERT: Oregon leash laws will be strictly enforced today at Autzen Stadium when the OREGON DUCKS whip theWASHINGTON HUSKIES
When I'm stressed, I like to shop. So, when I know I'm particularly vulnerable, I only take cash and I limit the amount of cash I'm carrying to buy only what I need.
mudbug said:
ladies, when you take it out of your carts, where are you putting it back? I hope in the original spot you found it!

absolutely, I always put it back, especially if it is perishable. Rather rude to just put it anywhere.


i love to compulsion shop. that's half the fun, it's like a drug.
i do it every christmas, and for dw's birfday. i go to a mall, shop around a little, then go have an overpriced meal in the fanciest restaurant in the mall, a coupla expensive glasses of wine, and when i'm feelin good, i go spend spend spend. i love the look on her face when i give it all to her.

then i take out a lot of life insurance and drive to work really fast without a seat belt when the bills arrive....
i'm pretty good at impulse shopping, namely at the grocery store and clothes shopping. especially during sales. sometimes i return clothes, but only if it's something like $100 jeans that i already have a pair of.
this can become problamatic, seeing as to how you eventually run out of room; you don't have enough space to store things in anymore, the closests runneth over and you can't yank dresser draws and chest drawers open anymore cause they're too full, and if you're me, you end up with the 4, 18-gallon rubbermaid containers stuffed full of clothes, like i mentioned on another thread.
the grocery store... i just buy anything that looks cool, cheeses that look tasty, gorgeous steaks, anything.
but at olaces like bookstores and wal-mart, i'm much more thoruogh and non-impulsive; i like to weigh my choices. i'll page through book after book at the book store, and compare little things about products at wal-mart (paper-mate pens or BIC pens? blue ink or black ink?)
what a tough a store owner what makes you decide you really want something or not....price? whether it is new (new to market)? convenience? colour or style? :D
:LOL: I just bought something I didn't need.. lmao.. a gigantic spider for the top of car... for tomorrow.
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