I'm depressed!

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
I've been exercising religiously for a month now.
The first two weeks I lost 5 lbs.
The third week I gained 6
And this week I lost 2.
So, in the month I have actually only lost 1 whole lb.
I haven't eaten any different really. The week that I gained the 6, I had one night of junk food, but, I ate from a saucer and I didn't get any seconds. And the other night, I did the same. I haven't had dessert at night. I have a granola bar for breakfast. At work, I may have 5 or 6 hershey's kisses and that isn't everyday. What am I doing so wrong that I can't get rid of the weight?!
I'm wondering if the beta blockers are hurting me in this way. When I work out, I stay on for 45 minutes to an hour at a medium pace. I stop only to drink water and check my pulse, which on average is only 100 - 125, after every 1/2 mile. I'm sweating up a storm even.
Give me some ideas of what I can do, PLEASE!!!
TG, when you exercise, you should NOT be going so hard that you cannot carry on a conversation while exercising. If you're exercising very hard and gasping for air (anaerobic exercise), your body stops burning fat ans switches to burning sugar. You need to do aerobic exercise so your muscles are getting oxygen and can focus on burning fat.

Keep plugging away. There are always setbacks but if you continue to do the right things, you will succeed,
Oh, believe me, when it comes to exercising I don't over doing it:LOL:
I got an elliptical and it's basically like standing up while riding a bike. I go between 60 and 80 revolutions a minute.
I don't know what else I can do to burn calories. On the weekend, I can exersice also, but, I'm so tired from the work week that it takes all I have to get on the machine and to stay on for an hour.
I hate the holidays for it too, that's is going to be my weakness.
You do have to be patient when you are trying to shed some extra weights, it never happens over night. I think you are doing the right thing, your amount of exercise is good at this stage, which you may want to modify in a couple of month as your body gets used to regular training and your fitness level elevates. But at this point it is just right... you are right in not overdoing it. Also you must remind yourself you are doing this not just to lose weight, but to feel better about yourself in general, and get healthier. Your focus should be on how stronger and fitter you feel, than standing in front of the mirror and try to pinch your midsection. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself with a little goodies now and then, as long as you don't overdo it, just like your training... with everything, moderation is the key. Enjoy the food you like at least once in a while without fretting about what damage it would do.
Another thing to remember is that when you get physically fit, you gain muscle tissues, which weigh much more than the fat mass. When I started training with weights many years ago, I did gain almost 10lbs in about 6 months, but my figure was much leaner and meaner than before. I actually would recommend you to include some weight resistance exercises, not only it helps you shape up and give you more strength, as the muscle redifine itself and grow after your workout it keeps burning calories long after you finished working out, whereas the burning process stops immediately after you finish an aerobic exercise. Many girls are shied away from doing any intense training with weights, saying "oh, I don't want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger!!", well it takes years of incredible dedication to attain a Mr./Ms. Olympia like physique, any casual exercise regimen will never get you like that, even if you push yourself a lot.
Well, I kinda drifted off from your immediate concern, but the key is to remember that this is a long process, and you do need patience. Go at your pace where you feel comfortable, if you push yourself too much you will cave in sooner or later and the whole thing will end up backfiring!! Pay attention to what your body tells you, and how you feel, instead of the scale. And keep a positive attitude. Stay on the right track and keep going, if you would like some suggestions you can also pm or email me, I would be glad of some help!! Good luck in your health quest!!
texasgirl, don't become discouraged! You are doing the right things, you just need to remember that you didn't gain weight overnight, so you won't lose it that quickly either. Sometimes what happens is it takes a while and then WHAM! you lose a big pile all at once. Don't give up! We are here for you!
Thanks everybody for all your encouragements! I really appreciate it!
I WILL keep going. I'm tired of feeling this way!
The initial loss was fat and the gain of 6 pounds must be muscle. Your body will start metabolizing quicker once you continue a regular exercise routine. I dropped a total of 18 pounds in a period of 6 months, but I did exercise 3 to 4 times weekly combining cardio for 30-45 minutes and light weight lifting for another 40 minutes during my workouts. Don't get discouraged. You'll continue to see results and the weight gains will only be muscle (since it's heavier than fat). You'll also begin to feel the difference in your clothes when you start losing inches.

Keep going; you're on the right track.

Dina is right about the muscle. Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so many times people think they are doing badly because they don't see the weight coming off, but they are really doing great. Give it time, and don't give up. We are all here for you.

:) Barbara
Muscle weights more than Fat is so true, But Hey Keep it up, Barbara and I are in there with you. Beleive me when I say, No one here needs to lose weight, anymore Than I. And you know what, I will lose it, I stopped smoking and several other bad habits, Now I will Conquer this and So will You TexasGirl, I Know you will ! I should be on the Extreme Biggest Loser Show or Some show. I am That Big, But Man DO I look good ! I just want to get better .:cool:
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TxG: One thing that is so discouraging is that women get so tied up in exercise + diet = weight loss. Often with women it simply doesn't work that way. I don't know what your age is, or how overweight you are, or perceive that you are, or your health problems.

But, trust me, if you keep it up as a habit -- and trust me, I'm 50, I'm overweight (and I don't mean that crappy 10 lbs most women talk about), but I have exercised a lot most of my life. I over-eat, but it is almost all good, healthy food, and I exercise most days. No, I'm not slim. I'll never be 20 again. I also will never be bulimic again, and I'll never obsess on it again.

Just plug away. It isn't easy. Try concentrating on something besides the numbers. One hard thing about exercise is that we tend to go out there to exercise and find few women who "look like" us. And we give up too early. Don't let it get to you (easier said than done).

I cannot imagine in a million years staying on a single exercise machine for an hour! At the gym I sometimes go to, they don't even recommend it (too much repititive wear on specific joints and muscles).

I like a class where there is variety in movement. The class I now go to is a "Firm" type class on Mon; Pilates on Weds, and a half hour of step followed by a half hour of 'ball' on Friday. My instructor says she's determined to introduce a bit of yoga in there somewhere. The average age in the class is 50 ... and a ****ed good 50 if I do say so. I loved Jazzercize when it was available to me. Over the years I've tried most of it.

My message to you is that ... well, sorry, no, none of it made me remotely thin. But I continue to plug away. In all those decades of exercise I learned many things about companionship (don't underestimate this. Meeting an exercise buddy who wants to know where you were is a good incentive) and health.

I hope you succeed in your goals, but don't let the weight loss goal overwhelm the health benifits of exercise. So many women quit the exercise when they don't see the weight come off, and for most women it isn't that simple. Find something you enjoy doing as far as exercise goes, so you can stick with it, even when you do hit plateaus, and even years when you simply cannot lose weight. The exercise will be good for you, emotionally and physically.
You're doing great texasgirl & I know you'll get to where you want to be!
Just remember, we're all here for you whenever you need a hug!
I think it was Gloria Vanderbilt who said "nothing tastes as good as being thin". I wish I could remember that when I'm looking at all the stuff I consider so good. I suppose we keep looking for a magic cure that doesn't include starving ourselves.
Toss the scale. =P Seriously, the numbers you see there do not paint a complete picture of the things that are happening to your body. They don't show how the shape of your body changes as you switch out fat for muscle, nor do they tell you how much of your fat weight you replaced with muscle. Nor does it show how your metabolism improves. Instead concentrate on how your clothes fit and the new energy you should be feeling. Keep it up the good work, TG!! Even if you don't "see" results as quickly as you'd like you're doing it right.

texasgirl, everybody here has given you good advice. I can only add that even though I gained some weight over the summer, I continued going to the "gym" (Curves) and am still wearing clothes 3 sizes smaller than this time last year. Don't worry, you will get in a groove soon- the main thing is to not give up!
All you of you are great!
I know that all I have to do to feel better is jump into DC!
Thanks, all of you!

I am right there with you and know how thinking you are not progressiong can affect your outlook. As I take time to read all the comments, they have been at the place you are now. Don't give up! That is just one of the mental battles you have to beat when you are attempting to change your lifestyle. It ain't easy. That is why I respect someone who keeps themself 'in shape'. It surely shows. Exercising is one way of beating depression. Something in the makeup of the body which protects your body from the effects of stress. how sad I have to learn this at my age. As my mother in law said t o me, not her son, one can't put old head on new shoulders. She was right about that. Keep it up texas, you never know when you might run into Jack Baur! Happy to hear about your accomplishment mudbug. I do remember when you started and you are sticking to it. Good for you. Claire, you wear me out. How do you keep all that going? That's what I call committment.
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Well the results should be how you look not how much you weigh! I have been doing weight training and my weight is slowly creeping up!


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