Just wondering....

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Hi Vickie;

My youngest daughter sings for sports events, in church choir, and is in three different choirs where she lives in Tacoma. She has a beautiful voice, and like you I am very proud of her and her efforts to develop her talent. unfortunately, I don't have any recordings of her. I will have to ask her if she can make me one. That's a spectacular idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

So, I understand your pride, and how you want to share what to you is something very special. So send it along to me. Me email address is:

That's not a link. I just highlighted the address.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
You should not be embarrassed about bragging about your daugther. We all do it here. I'd like to hear the song.
Goodweed of the North said:
Hi Vickie;

My youngest daughter sings for sports events, in church choir, and is in three different choirs where she lives in Tacoma. She has a beautiful voice, and like you I am very proud of her and her efforts to develop her talent. unfortunately, I don't have any recordings of her. I will have to ask her if she can make me one. That's a spectacular idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

So, I understand your pride, and how you want to share what to you is something very special. So send it along to me. Me email address is:

That's not a link. I just highlighted the address.

Seeeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Thank you Goodweed for sharing the love of our daughters' singing. Kiersten has not had an easy time of it in her almost 20 years on this earth but, when I watch her sing she is not on this realm.The peace and and total absorbtion of the music she is performing takes her to a place only known to her. Witnessing that,I as her Mom find relief that she can find that place of comfort and contentment. I'm kind of glad she sings opera because an aria can last more than the usual 3 minutes of a regular song giving her more time in that place. I have sent the reording to you- hopefully you will be able to hear it.Love and energy, Vicki
Dina said:
You should not be embarrassed about bragging about your daugther. We all do it here. I'd like to hear the song.

Thank you Dina- I just have a history of being around too many wannabe "showbiz" Moms and I am still very cautious about crossing that line though I have never had that kind of personality- I was always the Mom hiding behind the curtain!!. I would love to send you the recording.I just need your e-mail addy-you can pm it to me if you would like.Love and energy, Vicki

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